You're Awake!

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Your POV:

"Mattia you're awake!"I say running up to hug him.

He smiles and hugs me back.

"So can I join you?"he asked playing with his fingers.

"Of course!"I say pulling him onto the hospital bed.

We sat down and finished eating, until someone knocked on the door.

"I'll get it."I say getting up.

I open the door to be expecting a nurse, but it was Mattia's mom...AGAIN!

I instantly close the door, but it's stopped by her hand.

I try pushing it but it wouldn't budge.

"Y/n everything ok?"he asked raising an eyebrow.

"Y-y-yeah!"I stutter.

He just shrugs and continues to eat.

I keep pushing on the door, until it finally shut. I locked it, and sat back down with Mattia.

"Who was at the door, and what was all that about?"he questioned.

"Mattia listen, the person at the door was your mom. She wanted to see you, but I didn't want that to happen so I closed the door on her!"I quickly explain.

"Hey hey hey. Don't worry, I don't want see her at all. She lost her chance to be a mother."he says confidently.

I hug him, and we both lay down.

We cuddle for the rest of the night, until mattia had to go back to his room.

Mattia and I locked our doors in case his mom came back.

But I guess the doors weren't enough.

Mattia's POV:

I heard glass breaking, and quickly got up. I look in the direction the noise was coming from.

A dark figure stood there, throwing things around.

"Who's there?"I say squinting my eyes.

The figure throws a vase at me. My eyes go wide as I try to dodge it.

I was to tired and slow, so I ended up getting hit.

"Fuck my eye! You son of a bitch.!"I yell.

I finally gained enough energy, and charged at the figure.

I begin punching, and hitting the figure until it passed out.

I turn on the light, and go back to the person.

I look at it closely, and take off its mask. What the fuck, it's-it's my mom. This psycho bitch. What does she want from me?

I sit her on a chair, and tie her with my belt. This belt came from the clothes I wore during the crash.

I'm surprised its not damaged. I tighten the belt, and waited for her to wake up.

She eventually woke up, and looked around shocked. She tried to get out but the grip on her wrist were to strong.

"LET ME GO!"She yelled trying to break out.

"What do you want from me?"I calmly say.

"I wanted to sell you to your dad. He's was gonna give me $250,000. He wanted a slave."she say with her eyes psychotic looking.

I couldn't believe it. My own mother wanted to sell me.
Who does that. I hit her in the face again, before calling security.

I explain what happened and they take her to the police.

I felt happy and relieved that I wouldn't have to see her anymore.
I checked up on y/n to see if she was doing alright.

"Y/n wake up please cmon don't mess around!"I say tears forming in my eyes.

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