The Recording

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Mattia's POV:

"Ale what is her locker number?"I ask looking around.

"657..."he sternly says.

"Dude this is for the best."I reply.

He rolls his eyes in response. We look around for a while until I finally find it.

"Give me the pin."I say grabbing it from his hand.

I wiggle the pin around a bit, until the lock opens.

I open the locker and wow was there some weird shit in here.

"What the fuck. Are those pictures of me...naked?"I whisper to myself.

"Did you find it yet?"Ale asked nervously, looking around at his surroundings.

"No hold on!"I say,"so impatient..."

"Hurry up!"he says in a hurry.

"Found it!"I say grabbing the phone.

"Before we give the phone to Aliya, were gonna check it first."I say opening up the phone.

"Ooo were lucky that there's no password."Ale says happily.

I open the phone, and what was in it was unbelievable.

I check her pictures and they're all of me and y/n. I check her notes and they're all about ruining Aliya and Ale's relationship, and Y/n and I's relationship. But the recording was worst.

Today was the day I ruin Mattia and Alejandro's relationship.
I plan on using Alejandro's nudes against him, and Mattia's sex video against him.
You might be asking. How did I get those.
Well it's simple, follow them around, or hack.
Anyways, it's time to put it into action.
Let's just say things are going to get messy.
I might even kill the two hideous girls. They always ruin everything, but tonight they won't.
End Of Recording.

"What the fuck! You heard that right?"I ask with disgust.

"Yeah, but like I didn't even know about the rest of that!"he replies putting his hands in the air.

"Whatever let's get out of here, before we get caught!"I say running down the hall.

Ale follow behind.

"Ale look over there!"I say pointing at Aliya.

"Go show her!"

"Alright!"he exclaims.

I wave goodbye, and turn around and see Y/n with her arms crossed, and with anger in her eyes.

"Hey baby..."I nervously laugh.

"Mattia where were you and Ale. Coach was looking for you, and now he might kick you off."she says worried.

"Y/n listen, I had to help Ale get the recording. I just couldn't handle seeing Aliya and Ale like this."I say looking down.

"Mattia what do you mean?"she asked.

"Well we broke in Mariah's locker, and stole her phone. Everything in her locker and her phone was creepy."I say almost gagging.

"Mattia where the hell were you and Ale. We're losing now! If this happens again I have no choice but to kick you!"he says angry.

"I'm sorry coach it won't happen again!"I say running to the field.

"Mattia wait!"y/n yells.


"Goodluck!"she says kissing my lips.

I smile into the kiss and hug her.

"Thank you!"I say looking into her eyes.

I run into the field, and join the game.

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