Chapter 23 Liberations part 1

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Authors Note: Hello everyone. I'm sorry it took so long to get this chapter out to you all. I know you're probably thinking I should have all the time in the world to write since this whole c-virus deal we are all going through right now, but actually my work has been busier than ever. I work in the energy sector for my day job so finding time to write has been hard. I apologize but I cannot complain since I'm blessed to have work when so many are going through rough waters right now. : ( I do hope this chapter does the wait justice. Please let me know what you think. It really motivates me to keep going when you leave a comment! As always, thanks for all the support and stay strong through this difficult time.

Chapter 23

Liberations Part 1

Zelda knelt upon the open plains of Hyrule field before the walls of the castle, eyes red with tears. The realization that Link could have been killed in the barrage that rained down from the sky seconds earlier shook her to her core. Though overwhelmed wiith the fear that filled every fiber of her being, in her heart she believed it not to be so. That could not have been his fate.

Not Link, she thought.

Line after line of soldiers rushed past, charging toward the breached walls of the city as she wept upon the ground. Somehow, she found the strength to pull herself together amid the chaos. If Link yet lived, he was going to need her help now more than ever. There was no time to waste dwelling on her fears. She clutched a grip of prairie grass tightly in her hands, tearing its roots from the ground as she rose from where she'd fallen. Slowly, determinedly, she found gathered her courage, pushing away her sorrows, and wiping away her tears.

The main bulk of the army's cavalry was already well ahead of her, storming through the blasted opening of the wall where the gate once stood. She needed to find a way to get to Link before it was too late. Zelda knew he'd embarked upon his mission ill-equipped, lacking real means to adequately defend himself. But the route to him was dangerous and would not be easy. Ahead of the gates lay open war.

Twisting through the multitude of advancing soldiers, the princess sought for any opportunity that might lend itself to her. She approached a nearby group of infantrymen, a single officer preparing them to charge into the fray. An officer, yes, if the draping white cloak he wore could be trusted. It was a tradition of Illiastar commanders to wear a vibrant white cape clasped to their pauldrons by silver adornments in resemblance to their liege. However, the Lord of Illiastar's would be of a more refined taste. Unlike his bannermen, his cape was vibrant and unblemished, almost like exotic silk, and the clasps that held it were of richly polished gold.

She hollered, grabbing the man's attention. "You there, sir! Please help me find a horse to ride into the city! I need to get into the city!"

The noise from the battlefield only grew as the fog of war caused confusion among the ranks. Her small voice lost through air by the crashing and clanking of shield against sword and the screams of men.

The officer jerked in surprise at the sound of her voice. "Why, Princess! What are you doing here? This is a battlefield! It is no place for a royal maiden!"

Jumping to attention, he marched over and offered up his hands for her to take, speaking softly even as he turned to shout a command to a man in his retinue. "Come, let me escort you back to camp. Sergeant! You are in charge until I return. I will be escorting her majesty back to the safety of the rear. The infirmary would be best, I think."

With a wave of his hands, he instructed his subordinate to take charge and pointed in the direction of where he should lead. The other man obeyed with a bow and no questions.

Frustrated, Zelda reiterated her command. "You're not listening to me! I must get to the city! There is no time!"

With her words clearly passing through one ear and out the other, the officer continued to reach out for her wrist to pull her back to camp. "Come, my lady, you are frightened of the battle. It shall be alright. We must get you back to your own. This way, follow me."

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