Talking Heads

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Three armchairs sprawl in a semicircle, webinar software failing at stitching together the clashing backgrounds behinds each. A cityscape at night, flowers on curtains revealing an orchard beyond, the soft gray of a studio.

One woman clears her throat, subtitle revealing @CandaceRoan, Technology Writer, Ars Techoclate. "Not impossible, Charles. Have you even looked at her bio? PhD's in both particle physics and bio engineering. The work she did at—"

"Still can't create energy out of nothing. Their sorry excuse for a brochure doesn't explain that, does it? 'Revolutionary new bio-energy' source indeed." Charles Arroyo, Schmidt-Kessler.

Jerk, she thinks. Always jumping in to steal the attention, slashing everyone's arguments down. For as much as she despised it, the inevitable clashes made for juicy controversy, boosting all of their ratings. Hard to say no to the stream of likes.

"So you're saying her video was fake?" A pudgy guy leaned forward, a faded Erie SeaWolves logo emblazons his chest. Harry Kojonkoski, Senior Editor, Collin Industries.

"Which is more likely? Billions in secret research, or a couple million on some CG effects and a DeepFake algorithm."

"Except," Candace twirls a finger through her emerald and cream scarf. "The company is backed by McClure BioTech, and the first product ships in days. That doesn't sound like a KickStarter scam to me."

"They wouldn't back an idea without proof," Harry says, "But their PR has been awfully silent on the matter."

Charles leans back, "I think it's bunk. But since you're convinced, either of you gonna try it?"

"Not for the outrageous amount they're charging for it."

"Yeah, I asked to demo one and was told, 'Buy one and see.'"

"Guess we'll have to wait until everyone else then."

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