Public Uproar

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"It's what the military's always wanted, the perfect soldier." Candace's shoulders are trembling, not from fear, but a well of overflowing rage. "LifeShield's about protecting people, and they twist it around to make their soldiers invincible."

Charles snaps back, "So you want our soldiers defenseless if another military does the same thing?"

"I want a ban on all military use."

"Ha, keep dreaming."

Harry leans in, pushing out hands, like separating fighters in a ring. "Facts, people. Opinions on your own time. Polls seem as split as you two are. Roughly 50/50 for and again. We at least agree the military has them?"

"Yes," Candace says.

"All for it," adds Charles.

"But the only proof is reports from these...witnesses? That's the part I have trouble believing."

Candace pulls up a video, "LifeComm. At least, that's what people are calling it."

The view is split. One one side, two people in an unkempt field. A dark-hair woman squats, barely flinching as a pistol barks. With a bored look, she glances at the tablet the gun holder grasps awkwardly. Blocky text shows the number 93.

On the other side of the screen, a person at a desk scrawls 93 onto an unfolded spiral notebook before doodling stick figures around the edge.

"Same experiment has been tried half a dozen times. Random numbers, unrelated people. The LifeShield is definitely transmitting video and audio to any other user within reach."

"How far."

"No one knows."

Charles shrugs, "Got me. I've heard everything from a block to well over two miles."

Candace scrolls, "One mile on this one. A few people have claimed an amplification effect. The more LifeShields around, the further the signal goes."

Harry ponders aloud, "So a military base..."

"Is like a honking radio tower blasting full power."

"So, what have we seen?"

Flicking through her notes, Candice intones, "Army, easy to identify Ranger squad. Two other distinct units, but no identifiable markings. Almost certainly Navy Seals and one of the Marine units."

Charles says, "You know that's classified information."

"Then why don't they have it shut off?"

"Maybe they're still working the glitches out?"

Candace snorts.

"Not a peep out of any of the military branches, or LifeShield," Harry says. "Whatever's going on, they're not letting us into any of it."

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