Morning Briefing

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With a touch on his clicker, Director Taylor brings a monotone image on the massive display. The pixelated satellite image shows a dozen soldiers surrounding a truck, in a courtyard with a half-closed gate.

"The Chinese military has LifeShields. We've positively ID'd the truck as theirs. The photo was taken at 3:37am local time, almost exactly 24 hours after we received our units."

"How many?"

"No confirmation, but we believe two units, same as us. Assuming six hours in production now, that's 24 people shielded."

"So our window of opportunity is closing."

"Essentially, yes. A lot depends on whether they go offense or defense. But in a few days, even that won't matter. If we're going use it, it has to be within the next 12 hour or so"

The president frowns. "Defense? Them? We know damn well they'll use it on us. All their economic espionage makes that pretty clear."

"Precisely. But if we strike first with this communications channel fiasco, it's like announcing our attack to them."

"What's the word on that, General?"

The answer is written on his face as clearly as etched in stone. "LifeShield flatly refused to disable communications capabilities. Said it wasn't possible."

"Bullshit," the president said, drumming his fingers along the table. The habit annoyed his staffers, but would never admit that to his face. But their eyes are drawn to it regardless. He flings his hand at the screen image, "She throws this in our face a day after being warned about weapons export. Now she threatens to blow our operational security. Is she mad?"

"No, treasonous. Actively aiding the nation's enemies, sabotaging our military capabilities." The same rage inhabits the General's face, and the hot flash in his eyes told that he would not accept it.

The CIA Director concurs, but his is a cold, calculated anger, "LifeShield is single-handedly disrupting the political and military power across the world. It has to be contained."

"Agreed," the president said. "We have to take control, now, while we can." He crushes his fist into his other palm. "General, you are hereby authorized to execute plan Shield Breaker. Knock out the Chinese hacking infrastructure. Director Taylor, I want control of the LifeShield communications center. And please invite Mrs. Parks by for a chat."

"Yes, sir,"

"With pleasure.

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