"You Have to marry me & if you say 'no' then I'll kill everyone & forcefully marry you..I'll claim you either by hook or crook. Am I clear?" John said , while his men were holding guns with straight face
Elma:you cant do this to me.what Have I eve...
Elma : ugh This alarm is a pain in the @$$..(she dismissed the alarm) Good morning world.Time to get up
Elma left her bed, went to the washroom, freshened herself then she fixed her bed and went to downstairs
Mrs khan: so finally you're awake. I've made the breakfast,go & Serve the breakfast im gonna call everyone
Elma:okay your highness
Elma served the breakfast.Everyone came & had Their breakfast with a bit of conversation
After having breakfast all of them went to the guestroom
Elena : papa I need a new dress
Bayajid: papa i need a new watch
Mrs khan: & i need some peace
Everyone bursted out laughter.then the door bell was Being heard
Elma : I'm going to check
Elma put on her veil & opened the door
Helena : Elmaaaa..omo i missed you so much.. Mom dad im back (she said not breaking the hug with Elma)
Elma: welcome back but leave me I'm having problem with breathing.. assalamualaikum bro , please come inside
Imran: walaikumussalam,thanks Elma☺
All of them hugged Helena one by one.
Mrs khan :Enough with hugging,you both go & freshen up
Helena & Imran went to freshen up ,once they were done they went downstairs
Meanwhile Elma went to her room & took a bath & wore this
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She performed her prayer then read the Holy quran. Then she went downstairs
All of them had a long conversation about their life.Elma told her about Elma's farewell & showed pic of her Farewell ceremony.
Helena:Your make-up is looking great 🤩
Elma: because im great 😋
Helena: whatever 🙄
Mrs Khan :I'm going to cook .you guys carry on
Everyone except Mrs Khan:ookkkay
Imran: Elma Elena & Bayajid I've brought gifts for you
Helena:you sit down I'll go & bring the gifts here
Helena went to her room and brought the gifts
Elma got a new burqa Elena got a dress & Bayajid got a watch
Elena:omo brother I wanted to buy a dress now I don't need to do that cause I've already got the dress..Thanks a lot You're the best
Bayajid:yah same I also wanted to buy a watch and You brought me that Thank you very much brother
Elma: Thanks brother for the gift
Helena: won't you guys thank me?😿
Elma:why would we? You never bring gifts for us,cheap Lady
Imran:You're right Elma ,absolutely right
Helena:you !! Since when I become a cheap Lady? You stupid
Mr Khan:kids stop it.. Imran how's your business going?
Imran: Alhamdulillah papa
Mr Khan:that's great .keep going & do your best .My best wishes are always with you
Imran:thanks papa 😊
Meanwhile,Elma went to her room and started studying for her exams
After 3 hours
Mrs Khan knocked on Elma's room
Mrs Khan: Elma food is ready .Come & eat dear
Elma: okay mom
Elma went downstairs & saw so many delicious foods
Helena: all of them are my favorites .Thanks mommy Lob ya[love you] (she hugged her mom)
Mrs Khan:you're most welcome dear .
Elena:can we just start eating?
Bayajid:yah I'm hungry
Imran: let's get started
Mr Khan :Eat as much as you guys can .never get shy when it is about food. Because Allah is the one who is giving
Mrs Khan:yup your papa is right.. now let's start
Everyone had their lunch with a bit conversation then Elma went to her room did wudu & performed her prayer then read the holy Quran after that she started studying.. after studying for another 3 hours she performed her prayer then did her exercise then she studied for 1½ more hour then she went downstairs & had dinner with everyone.after that she went to her room & drifted off to sleep
Meanwhile John
John: has that guy cleared his debt yet?
man no 1: no sir .I've called him to come tomorrow
John:seems like he doesn't love himself.prepare my men & guns
man no 2:ok sir. We'll take our leave now
John:wait has my men checked that girl's house today ?
man no 1: Yes sir she didn't go outside yesterday . But a girl & a boy came to their house.I think they are their relatives
John:what!!!A boy went to my girl's house? WTF. kill that b@$t@®d
man no 3: Sir I think he is her brother in law & that girl is her sister
John:hm that can be true .But keep an eye on her and her house .I want her to be safe at any cost
His men: okay sir
John:you guys may leave
His men:Yes sir
His men left the room ..
John's p o v
Baby girl you got to be more careful .I can see you any time,any moment,any how & any where..Just a bit more then you'll be mine forever Elma
Assalamualaikum 😊
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