After 95 days
On Thursday
Elma's p o v
The delivery date is tomorrow im more than just nervous.Currently, My family is in my house its been nearly 1 month . Yeah my husband successfully convinced them. He stayed 1 week with me in my house. Which made his way even easier. Everything has been going greatly Alhamdulillah. Suleiman is on off for two months from his business, Jack bro is handling everything. He visits very often. Suleiman sometimes helps Jack bro.1 month of his off has Been passed.He takes the best care of me. Elina sis rarely pays visit as Irfan is still very young. Sarah also pays visit sometimes.
After magrib's prayer
Im with my family right now.Lately mom has started to scare me.Actually she just tells me how much pain it causes.How hard it is to manage a kid.How much food restrictions there will be & stuffs..Suleiman is talking with my father. As time passes my nervousness increases. All of them were trying their best to entertain me. But im just too lost in my world. Mom went to Cook now. Elena was telling me what what has happened in house.How calmer has Bayajid been. Though they are still bickering. Dad went to read Quran. Btw,I have finished reading quran 15 times in my whole pregnancy. I could Feel my baby kicking. Suleiman sat beside me & hold my hand
Me: im nervous suleiman
He kissed my hand
Suleiman : its okay love. Have faith in Allah It'll get easier. Read ayutul kursi & Dua Yunus.
Me: Will you stay beside me?
Suleiman : I really want to but mom wont let me..Don't worry She'll be there.Most importantly Allah is with you so,don't worry everything will be Alright.
Elena,Bayajid, me & my hubby gossiped for a While. We performed our prayer.Mom packed a bag for me which I think she will take to hospital.
After dinner
Im now sitting by my hubby & talking to my mom. My abdomen is paining a lot. Mom told me to be relaxed. She told me the story of the day when I took birth. I slept on her lap while she caressed my hairs
Before fazr
Im in damn pain now.I cant even sleep due to this.I tried ignoring it but its impossible. I opened my eyes to find suleiman sleeping beside me..Should I wake him up? It started paining even more. I nearly shouted.Suleiman woke up instantly
Suleiman : what happened baby? Are you okay?
Me : can't you see? Im not okay, not even a lil bit
Suleiman : what should I do now Ya allah
Me: keep staring at me. You duffer go & call mom or take me to hospital.
Another sharp pain met me.
Me: suleiman, I think the baby is coming.
Suleiman : ok. Oh yes.Oh no ya allah. you come with me.
With his help i went downstairs. He called mom.
Mom: your water has broke. We need to leave now..suleiman son Lets go.
Dad has woken up by now.Im in so much pain to even figure out what's happening. The Only thing i can say is IM IN SOME DAMN PAIN.
In a While, we reached hospital. They took me to emergency. Mom came with me & restricted Suleiman to come along. All the time i was literally shouting & chanting Dua yunus
After a lots of try, pain,pushes I could finally hear my baby's voice. In an instant I forgot all the pain .
Doctor: Alhamdulillah its a baby girl
Doctor gave me the baby after 2/5 minutes. I hold my baby.& undoubtedly its the best feeling that I've ever felt in my whole life. Shortly Suleiman came in.
Suleiman : are you okay love?
Me: Alhamdulillah much better. Look our baby,our daughter.
His gaze went to our Daughter & He was staring at her with teary eyes
Suleiman : so beautiful Ma shaa allah.
Me: she got your features
Suleiman : & your eyes. Small version of Elma....Can I?
Me: of course.
I made him hold our daughter. Dad came in & checked on me.His happiness is something which cant be described in words.Like his daughter gave birth to a daughter. Mom & dad hold her.
Mom: she looks so much of Suleiman
Dad: except the eyes. Elma got her mother's eyes & now her daughter also got her eyes.
Mom: Suleiman you have to give azaan in near her ears..
Me:fazr's azaan was heard a few minutes ago.
Dad: our daughter is lucky & her daughter is also lucky. She born on Friday and also on fazr's time.
Suleiman : our prophet Muhammad (pubh) Said,"Lucky is the woman,whose first child is a daughter "
Mom:ma shaa allah. Have you guys think about the name?
After a minute
Me & suleiman : Esma (we said in unison & smiled)
Mom & dad : ma shaa allah (they said in unison & smiled)
Suleiman gave azan in her ears.His soothing voice made my pain fade even more.
We went home the next day. There we are a HAPPY FAMILY.I Couldn't even count how many times Suleiman Thanked me
Suleiman : I never imagined I'll have a family. You made the unimagined thing real. Thanks a lot Elma for giving me such a happy family.
Me: Thank Allah.
Suleiman : I performed Tahajjud.2 rakat nafl prayer to thank Allah.
Me: ma shaa allah thats great. Now lemme sleep
Suleiman : good night love,Thanks a lot, A lot to the Infinity. Love YOU. Sleep about me
Me: hmm
& I drifted off to sleep
Assalamualaikum 😊
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His Hijabi (Gangster Au)✔
General Fiction"You Have to marry me & if you say 'no' then I'll kill everyone & forcefully marry you..I'll claim you either by hook or crook. Am I clear?" John said , while his men were holding guns with straight face Elma:you cant do this to me.what Have I eve...