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Elma woke up at 5am,performed her prayer..she read ayutul kursi several times..then she wanted to sleep again knowing the fact that she won't be able to sleep peacefully..cause her momma will wake her up in an hour ...

Elma:I can't even sleep peacefully 😓..my momma will wake me up by shouting like a war has broke out in our boarder ..I can take a nap at least

Then she went to sleep at 5:30am

At 6:45am

Mrs Khan: Elmaaaaa wake up..do you want to be late at your last day in college too?? Wake up..you have half class today...won't you go? Elma Elma

Elma:yah yah I'm going..and wait whatttt why would today be my last class? Oh no I almost forgot about it.. tomorrow is our farewell party..aaish I have to go the mall too ..oh no Sarah will kill me...momma gotta go..

Mrs Khan:such a  crazy girl she is!

After 15minutes

Elma:good morning papa.. good morning everyone

Mr Khan:good morning princess.. let's have our breakfast

Bayajid:mom when will Helena sis come? I'm missing her 😞

Elena: it's been only 2 months since she last visited & You are already missing her? why do you love her so much?? she's kinda annoying..she keeps shouting all the time


Mrs Khan:yah ,when will she come? I miss her too

Elma: she'll be coming after 2days

Bayajid:reaallly?omo I'm excited

Mrs Khan :I'll make all of her favorite foods

Mr Khan:that's great..isn't tomorrow your farewell party?

Mrs Khan:she literally forgot about that... clumsy girl

Elma: momma,I didn't forget ,it just slipped out of my head..and yes tomorrow is my farewell party.. I'll be going to mall with Sarah

Mr Khan: here's the money..take it

Elma: jazak Allahu khairan (may Allah reward you with goodness) papa

Mrs Khan:let's eat now..

After 18 minutes

Elma went to her room to get ready

After 40 minutes

Elma:momma I'm going..

Mrs Khan:Ill take Bayajid & Elena to your aunty's house. So, you gotta  go alone today ..Fi amanillah(may you be protected by Allah)
she said while hugging Elma

Elma:ok Allah hafiz momma

Elma went to her car after 15 minutes of ride from home to University ...she was pretty nervous also upset as today is her last class

She got out of the car then went to her class

Sarah:hey gurrrl..class is about to start..you better take the seat beside me

Elma:yah today's our last class..even if I was late the teacher wouldn't scold me ..and today they will just give us advice,no lectures 😌

Sarah:yayy we'll go to the mall at 2:30pm..


After the college ended at 12pm
All of the classmates were hugging each other..some of the teachers also joined them .. everyone was at the verge of crying..some of them even cried..Elma was feeling sad ..but she didn't cry

45 minutes later 

Elma put on her burqa hijab & niqab..Sarah went to her Lamborghini not before hugging her bff for 10minutes straight.. Elma got in  her car .

After 17minutes of ride

at 1:18pm

Elma: momma I'm home

Mrs khan: how was your day sweetheart?

Elma: alhamdulillah.quite good..I'll be missing my classmates and teachers 😞

Mrs Khan:it's okay..you'll get used to it..now go and freshen up ..when will you go to the mall?

Elma:Sarah will pick me up at 2:15pm

Mrs khan:you don't have much time left..go and get ready

Elma:ok momma (she said while hugging her mom)
She went to her room took a bath for 38minutes

Elma:oh shoot it's already 2pm..Sarah will beat me

Elma started to get ready..she wore this

She performed her prayer

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She performed her prayer..then she ate some pancakes then put on her burqa hijab & niqab ..it was 2:25 pm by then

She went to the downstairs.she met her bff Sarah who was pissed off..

Sarah: it hasn't been 2:15pm yet .you could've taken your time..

Elma:yah I know I'm late..im sorry for that..let's go

Sarah went out of Elma's house and got into Elma's car..she didn't bring her car..cause she wanted to sit with her bff..and she knows it very well that Elma won't go without her car.

Elma:Allah hafiz mom..(she put the money in her purse ...took the purse put on her shoes then headed out..she could hear her mom saying "Allah hafiz be safe..get home by 6pm at any cost")

Elma got in to the car..and the driver started driving.. during the 35minutes of drive they were talking about what they will buy and so all

At 3pm

They reached their destination..they went out of the car ..Elma told Mr Hasan that they'll be done by 6pm..then they went into the mall


so,It was the 2nd part 😶

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