23.first day of wedding

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Suleiman's p.o.v

This can't happen. How tf this be real? I cant even remember.i was drugged I guess.. But who tf would do that? & why tf they would do that? For fun? Oh (i groaned) f**k f**k f**k just f**k everything. I'll just visit Orphanage otherwise my anger wont leave me.. I bought gifts for the kids
& headed there..they welcomed me with much love..i love how the kids hug me 💕I talked with the kids played with them. Then a lady gave us juices but i was busy playing so i Didn't notice that..

A kid : uncle have some juice

Me(suleiman) : i dont want to have juice...you guys have it

After a while i started realizing that on my wedding day Harry, one of my friends gave me a glass of juice & he was mischievously smirking that time.did that son of b**ch mix something with my juice? Ill kill that bas**rd. Just because of his this shitty act my Elma is suffering, I hurt my Elma Only because of that mf. My face has flushed with anger & i know i would do something wrong so i better leave the Orphanage rn.

After 3 hours

I have left the Orphanage & I've killed mr Shroff. Ill kill Harry once I get proof. I headed to my house

At 9pm

I've reached my home. I went straight to my room.I've  skipped my breakfast & lunch today 😓.the moment i opened my room's door a bowl of water fell on me even the bowl hit me & i get drenched like wtf?who tf did this. I saw that Elma woke up due to the loud sound. She saw me & totally ignored me.she went to sleep once Again. Like what the f*cking f*ck? It is done by her for sure😤

Me: who did this? And why this room is a messy mess?

She ignored me like i don't even exist. I know she wont talk cause i raped her ugghhh that harry is gonna die..i picked a suit for me very carefully cause THERE Were broken piece of mirror i called a maid to clean all this & serve the food.then i went to take a shower.i just realized that tomorrow is our reception arrgghhhh how can i forget This? Ive gone crazy for sure.after showering i saw that elma is still sleeping. I Didn't want to wake her up but she has to eat. I called a maid & she told me that she ate her lunch i got a bit relief. I had my dinner & went to sleep in another room cause i dont want to bother her

End of p.o.v

The next day

Elma's p.o.v

I woke up & saw that the breakfast was here.so,i freshened up, had my breakfast after a While i went to take a shower i just remember that today is my reception which means I've to stay in my mom's house of 2 & half day yayyyy 💃🏻I literally shouted🤦🏻‍♀️

After showering at 1 pm

I wore this

I preformed my prayer, read Holy Quran,surah ar-rahman with translation

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I preformed my prayer, read Holy Quran,surah ar-rahman with translation...it always relaxes my mind.... After that A maid served me lunch. I ate that & apologised to her cause i misbehaved with her yesterday.she was enough kind & polite to say that "its okay". After eating the maid took the plate away & told me that the beautician came. So i washed my face & wore my dress which was given to me by a maid.who told me that, her master told her to give this to me. She also gave me a pair of heels

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