22.beasty night

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Suleiman sat in front of Elma.Elma's face was covered with the veil.suleiman remove the veil from her head

Suleiman : ma shaa allah my baby is looking damn sexy..(suleiman made Elma look at him) finally you are mine forever..i cant wait to....

Elma Didn't let suleiman finish

Elma: my wedding gift/ mu dikhai?

Suleiman : huh? ( he was confused for a while,he shrugged it off.& took out a box from a drawer & gave it to Elma) this is your wedding gift

Elma took it & opened the box

The gift

Elma : thanks ( she took the box & got out of the bed,suleiman was very confused with her behaviour

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Elma : thanks ( she took the box & got out of the bed,suleiman was very confused with her behaviour. He was too shocked to do anything or even stop her)

Elma kept the box in her closet,took off her jewelleries & placed them there & took out a night dress, towel from her suitcase

Elma : for your Information im going to take a bath cause im damn tired. You can sleep & change here ba bye (she waved at him & went to the bathroom)

Suleiman : strange🤨 anyways lets change. Idk why but im feeling dizzy since i was in the car. Its nothing John I meant suleiman lets change

Elma took a shower, wore the night dress,suleiman has also changed. Elma's dress

The moment Elma came out suleiman looked at her, switched off his phone & went to Elma

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The moment Elma came out suleiman looked at her, switched off his phone & went to Elma

Suleiman got way too close to Elma with a terrible dizziness. He closed the distance between Elma & him..Elma was sweating & she was trying to back away but suleiman was Enough strong & fast to hold her in place.He bit her earlobe & whispered "now you are mine, all mine.mine to do as i please(he smirked) ill claim you tonight"

Elma's p.o.v

I was more than just terrified, im trying my best to move & push him away. But he is so freaking strong. He put me on his shoulder & moved towards the bed. I was pinching, punching hitting him in his back but they are of No use. I was at the verge of crying but i cant cry now. I have to try till the end. He placed me in the bed undone his clothes. Even after trying,biting,hitting,punching, pinching i Couldn't save myself from the beast..my own husband ruined me at our very first night..at the middle of his beasty act i fainted

End of Elma's p.o.v

Next morning

Suleiman woke up. He adjusted himself with the sunlight. When he could see things, He found Himself in his boxer Only. He tried to sit but failed.an extreme shot of headache hit him.after 2 tries he finally sit down & looked beside him...he found his angel sleeping in a mess.her hairs were Covering her face.she was covered with a blanket. Suleiman tugged her hairs behind her ear & noticed that her lips & eyes were swollen. He became even more tensed.

Suleiman: this isn't what im thinking, right? This cant happen.

after gathering all his courage he took off the blanket & shut off his eyes. He saw her angel in a very horrible situation.so much of blood stains. Body marked with bluish, purplish angry bites. He opened his eyes. He felt extreme headache he hit his head several times in order to rid of the headache & to remember what has actually happened

Suleiman : why i can't remember? Arrrgh this head. F*ck it what has happened arrrgh

Suleiman covered Elma with the blanket,wore his dress, had medicine of headache,put Elma on the Sofa, changed the bedsheet he Didn't call the maids cause he didn't want to 🥴.he then made Elma wear her night dress.he did it very carefully so that she wont get up. After THIS he went to take a shower..he noticed that there were marks in his back & neck as well. He said a chain of curses. He got all dressed up then went to downstairs. He Didn't eat cause he was too guilty & angry to digest .. He went outside in his black ferrari. He told the servants to give Elma proper food & pain killer as well


Elma's p.o.v

I woke up with a heavy head.i tried to sit but i regretted it afterwards. After a lots of try i sat down..i was feeling very sore down THERE. Then i got the flashbacks of yesterday's beasty act of my so called husband. I was feeling so disgusted ..  I Just want to kill him with my hands. I hate him i hate him i just LOATHE him.i said a chain of curses. I threw away the flower vase which was placed in the nightstand..i threw away everything that i found.. I destroyed the bed & was screaming a lott. A maid came

Maid: is everything okay ma'am?

Elma: get the f*ck out who gave you the permission to come in? Didn't your so called master taught you Some manners?

Maid: sorry ma'am ill take my leave.

She left & i started screaming a lot.i look at the mirror & saw my brutal situation I was feeling more than disgust & angry .I broke the mirror with a flower vase. I wanted to hurt my self with the broken piece of mirror so I took a large piece of the mirror

Elma: I'll kill myself then I'll get rid of everything.I've no purposes left in my life

I was about to dig it in my wrist but then I heard the most soothing sound

"Allahu Akbar , Allahu Akbar
Allahu Akbar , Allahu Akbar" (Allah is the greatest)

The asar's azaan(call to prayer"...it made me forget all of my pain for a second..I closed my eyes & listen to the sound with all of my attention

"ashadualla ilaha illallah
ashadualla ilaha illallah"  (I bear witness that there is no deity {none truly to be worshipped}but, Allah)

I realized that I still have things to do,I have purposes to live for.Allah didn't send me here to do stupid things .only Allah can save me . praying is my purpose .

"Aashhadu Aanna Muhammadar rasulul-lah
Aashhadu Aanna Muhammadar rasulul-lah"(Itestify that Muhammad is the Messenger of ALLAH.)

This verse reminded me of My idol , prophet Muhammad (pbuh)  who always taught us to have sabr(patience) & I'm gonna follow him...
so,I went to take a shower .I tried my best to remove his marks from my body but in vain . After showering with much difficulties i performed my prayer..i saw that food & some pain killers were there

Elma : i wont eat..but i shouldn't hurt my self...

My subconscious mind reminded me "never let your anger go on your food cause Allah is the one giving so never say 'no' to foods "

Elma: yah i should eat more & more gain energy. So that ill get stronger & i would be able to fight him..

I ate the food,took the medicine then i went to sleep again.i fixed the bed a bit & drifted off to sleep

End of p.o.v

Assalamualaikum 😊

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