45| no longer enemies

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Weeks had flown by and never in my life had I felt more content, freer or more grateful.

I still had nightmares that plagued me, forcing me to wake up in a cold sweat. I still felt guilty at times of the acts I had committed to people that once meant a lot to me and there were still times, I felt miserable without a reason.

But it was normal.

I had a bad time growing up but I was now on the road to recovery and of course, there would be some bumps on the journey there.

What helped massively during those downtimes were the people in my life that I loved, standing by my side and helping me every step of the way. From Tay to my father to my friends and to Dorran.

I didn't think he knew how much he had helped me but he had and I owed him for the rest of my life. When I had woken up with such a horrific nightmare, he was the one there, holding me in his arms and lulling me back to sleep. He was the one that had such love and admiration for me which had helped me so much. I didn't know how I had lived without him.

Life had never been better.

I was surrounded by all my family and friends, the friends feeling more like family and never had I felt more whole or loved.

There was a new level of appreciation inside of me. I valued things in life so much more than before. I could see the beauty. I could see the worth and it was all due to them.

I currently stood in the changing room of the East Bridge school's field, staring into the mirror as I finally buttoned up the last button on my East Bridge dance outfit.

The short and tight purple dress sort of thing accentuated my slight curves and the colour nicely contrasted against my green eyes but that wasn't what held my attention.

The dress was designed in a unique shape that covered my chest and upper thighs but there was a gap at the waist that highlighted the new scar that decorated my body.

It was small but the darkened colour greatly stood out against my pale skin and it was visible to any you might be close enough to see but oddly enough, I liked it.

To me, it was a reminder of what I went through but most importantly, pulled through to come out on the other side. It made me feel strong and confident and for that, I was grateful.

With one last look at the scar, I lifted my gaze to my reflection.

I didn't know if I was imagining it but although they were no differences to my physical appearance, something had changed.

My green eyes were greener, more vibrant. My brown hair was less limp and more energised and my body stood taller, more confident.

There was just one thing to say about that.

It was all down to happiness.

"It's time, Darcy," The coach announced, surprising me. I hadn't heard her come in and yet she was standing there, pride shining in her eyes as she looked at me.

I nodded, letting her know that I heard her and she sent me a warm smile and then left without a further glance.

She was right. It was time.

I clenched my fists and breathed in deeply, trying to gather my wits.

With one last look into the mirror, my eyes seemed to have given me the last push to get out there and to have this done.

I nodded to myself and then without thinking about how important this was, how monumental, I left the changing room to walk in the corridor that would lead outside.

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