Chapter 6

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Shay can't help but regret her actions that night. The touch. The eye contact. Everything. It was clearly something that only Shay was feeling and now she had pushed away the one person in Pinewood that she felt she had a connection with. Guilt and regret had continued to creep into Shay's consciousness throughout the two weeks that Shay had not spoken to Demi. 

Though there was brief eye contact and small smiles, not a single word was spoken when they returned to school that Monday nor any day after. Shay could not help but feel she had messed up the one good thing in her life. The weekend with Kelly had been an absolute disaster and resulted in a black eye, a public breakup and a 4 hour visit.  All Shay wanted to do was talk to Demi but refused to make her uncomfortable any further. 

Shay is brought back to reality by the bell ringing announcing the end of lunch, "Ready to go dummy?" Shay laughs and looks over at Isaiah "You are the only dummy I see."  They head to class together chatting about the impending final project that is to be announced. 

Shay had become really good friends with Isaiah following the fallout with Demi which he had immediately noticed following one class together claiming we had a lovers tiff. Getting to know Isaiah was exciting for Shay as she never really had the opportunity to meet a gay, black guy before further displaying her sheltered lifestyle that her parents always tried to pertain. Isaiah and Shay became close and confidants and shared all their secrets. Having someone to offload to meant alot to Shay and it was clear to Isaiah that Shay needed the support. With insight into Demi following being her peer since kindergarten, Isaiah agreed to share what he knew about Demi: Anthony is her first boyfriend, she was quiet and isolated from many before Anthony, she was always a hidden beauty and her parents only cared about the reputation and not about their daughter. 

As they enter the science lab, Shay and Isaiah are in the middle of sharing some relationship jokes when Shay catches Demi's eye as she sits with Anthony all ready at their usual desk. Shay quickly looks away breaking the eye contact and continues talking to Isaiah about his long distance boyfriend which catches the attention of Demi who strains to hear. 

Isaiah discusses how he tries to keep the sexual chemistry going, giggling slightly as he speaks when Shay chims in. "I remember the struggle with one of my ex's too, Carla. She lived in Florida and we met when I went down to stay with my cousins for one summer. The sex was incredible so keeping that alive was hard. Some pictures might help." Shay laughs and winks at Isaiah before they both burst out laughing. 

Unknowingly, Demi had been eavesdropping on their conversation and overheard Shay's confession about her... her GIRLFRIEND!!! 


The whole of class Demi doesn't take one note but instead has her eyes locked on Shay. The conversation she overheard at the beginning of class has intrigued her and she can't help but feel a longing to talk to Shay again. She wants to know more about this girl that has showed nothing but kindness and compassion. But knowing that she is gay has peaked Demi's interest more than it should and unknowingly, it is the very she wants to speak to Shay again. 

Walking through the halls with Anthony, she can't help but glance over her shoulder looking for Shay who always was the last student to leave the classroom. Without realising the full extent of what her actions entail, Demi manages to infuriate Anthony quickly as they walk for her sole focus is on seeing Shay and ignoring the conversation he is trying to have. Demi is quickly brought back to reality with the warmth from her side drifting away and suddenly, a loud familiar voice disrupts the sanctuary Demi had drifted into. 

"What the hell is up with you Demi? Seriously, I have shown you I love you and I am sorry but it is never good enough. You constantly fucking ignore me and I am so over it. You do you, but I am done."

Demi stands in disbelief along with many students standing around in the hall. She had never intended on hurting Anthony that way and she felt a sudden guilt build up as it was her fault for ignoring him and focusing on someone else. Demi, the strong and confident woman she had grown to be with Anthony suddenly disappeared and she found herself cowering under the stares of the students criticising her and judging her. Demi looks around slowly when she locks eyes with Shay standing outside the door of their classroom with Isaiah. She sees the sympathy in her eyes and she knows that Shay heard everything and suddenly it is more embarrassing. And more hurtful than before. All because she witnessed it all. 

Demi manages to gather herself and pushes past the students standing in her way towards the exit door when a soft but stern voice bellows over the noise of the hallways. "Demetria, please step into my classroom" Ms. O'Neill says holding open the door to the safe, sanctuary she had created for each and every student in the school. She had become the parent for many who had that absence in their life and was known for her caring but strict attitude in the classroom. 

Demi enters the classroom and takes a seat at her usual front desk while Ms. O'Neill takes a seat and moves it in front of Demi. For moments, they sit in silence which unsettles Demi but then Ms O'Neill begins, "So, you know you are an incredible student Demi and I have noticed recently that things have changed and I am here for you if you want to talk." Demi raises her eyes, meeting Ms O'Neill, "I am sorry Miss. I just have been stressed with college choices and Anthony that's all."

Ms O'Neill reaches out and touches Demi's hand gently, "And Shay?" Demi feels her body shift slightly at the sound of the name, she looks inquisitively at Ms O'Neill with racing thoughts - why would she ask about Shay? Is it obvious she has been catching glances of her? Has she unknowingly been looking or behaving differently towards her? All these thoughts suddenly come to the surface as she struggles to put a sentence together,"Uhh - hu." Ms O'Neill gives a slight smile before continuing, "It is not my intention to put you on the spot but you two were very close and now seem to be distant. Has something happened between you two? Maybe we can sort it."

Demi's thoughts begin to race and suddenly she finds herself wondering - what did happen? Why have they stopped talking? Like really, what happened between them? Demi manages to crock out a simple no to Ms O'Neill before they leave the classroom with a reminder of the open door policy. As Demi walks through the halls, she finds herself searching for an answer to a question that she already has the answer to - why did she distance herself from Shay?

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