Tenko x Fem!Reader fluff

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Requested by: No one

Topic: Fluff, cuddling

Trigger warnings: None

Plot: Y/N has had a stressful day at school and her girlfriend, Tenko, is there to offer comfort.

It had been a long and stressful day of schoolwork and all you wanted was to go back to your dorm for the night. You had studied hard for a test you were meant to take today but even after completing it, you still felt like you hadn't given it your all. But life at Hope's Peak Academy wasn't always a smooth, joyful ride. Being the Ultimate [Talent], you had a lot to accomplish if you wanted to go even further in life. How embarrassing it would be to get thrown out of the main course of Hope's Peak.

Your mood down, you trudged slowly back to your dorm room. You had almost forgotten your girlfriend, Tenko Chabashira, was waiting for you like she always was at the end of the day. A bit of relief flashed through your chest as you entered the building and climbed the nearest flight of stairs. Just as expected, Tenko was leaned against the wall next to your door, clearly awaiting your arrival.

When her green gaze landed on you, excitement brightened her expression and she immediately rushed over to capture you in a bone-crushing embrace. You were smashed against her chest but, you had to admit it wasn't horrible and actually calmed your nerves.

"I missed you so much, cutie," Tenko said sweetly, bopping your nose lovingly with the end of her index finger. Blush flooded to your cheeks in a deep red color.

When the two of you entered your dorm, you immediately plopped onto your bed, the blankets underneath you cool from the lack of human contact all day. It was soothing on your back.

You felt the mattress sink beside you as Tenko seated herself, staring down at you with a huge smile plastered on her face. However, her thrilled expression seemed to subside when she appeared to notice the stressed daze in your eyes.

"Hey, is everything okay?" she asked carefully.

You felt a little guilty for making her fuss over you. True, Tenko was just a naturally overprotective girlfriend, but it wasn't like she didn't have a good reason for worrying over you this time.

Sighing, you lifted yourself into a sitting position, crossing your legs and dwindling your fingers together mindlessly in your lap. "Today was just hard, I suppose," you answered quietly.

The aikido master instantly took your hands in hers, worry swimming in the depths of the emerald void that made up her eyes. "What happened?" she breathed.

"I mean, nothing too much..." Your voice trailed off for a few heartbeats. "It's just...well, I had this big test today in one of my classes and I studied so hard for it but...I still feel like I did really badly, you know?"

Tenko removed one of her hands from yours and cupped the side of your face in her palm, her skin's warmth flowing gently into your cheek and soothing you. For some reason, tears began to prick your eyes and a lump formed in your throat. You felt absolutely pathetic for crying over something like this but Tenko being Tenko, she guided your face to her shoulder and let you rest your head there for several minutes of comfortable silence.

Finally, Tenko spoke. "Y/N, I know you're doing everything you can to get good grades and your hard-working ethic is truly inspirational," she said softly in your ear, her hot breath brushing against your skin. "I promise you did amazing on that test, though! You're very smart and talented and you certainly deserve to be a student here!"

You lifted your head from her shoulder and gently pecked her on the lips. That was when she cupped both of her hands around your face and pulled you back in, the sweetness of her scent billowing around you like a cloud and the taste of her lips like sugar on your tongue. Eventually, the contact was broken and you sat there staring into each other's eyes for what seemed like an eternity. Nights like this reminded you why you had fallen for the fiery aikido master in the beginning.

"Thank you so much, Tenko," you choked out. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Aww! And you too, cutie! I don't think I'd make it through most of my days without you around." She planted a gentle kiss on your forehead. "I love you so much."

"I love you, too, Tenko."

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