13. The First Three Words[ Part 1 ]

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"Let's face the facts, you like ZeWu Jun."

Nie Huai Sang concluded and looked at Jiang Cheng who retorted it or more like tried to.

"You seriously think, I like him? I don't think so."

Nie Huai Sang laughed at him and said,

"If you didn't, you would not be talking about only him for so long."

Jiang Cheng came to realize that he indeed was talking and smiled awkwardly.

"Well, I am sorry. I didn't intend to."

Nie Huai Sang laughed again but soon stopped and asked,

"You don't remember anything about what happened yesterday night, do you?"


Jiang Cheng said in all honesty and then looked at Nie Huai Sang as if to say something. Nie Huai Sang raised his eyebrow as if to ask what. Jiang Cheng said,

"Let's go and find ZeWu Jun or Wen Ning. They were with us, they should know what happened."

"That's a great idea."

Nie Huai Sang smiled and kissed Jiang Cheng's cheek and got up and Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes. Just then, Lan Xi Chen passed them and he felt his chest tighten. He moved towards the fighting ground. Nie Huai Sang and Jiang Cheng also moved towards the fighting ground, shoulder to shoulder, Jiang Cheng's hand rested on Nie Huai Sang's shoulder, in search of either Wen Ning or ZeWu Jun.


Jiang Cheng and Nie Huai Sang reached there to see both of them present there. But they waited for the boys to finish the match. Jin Ling was the first to see them. He greeted,

"Good evening uncle."

Jiang Cheng just waved his unoccupied hand and smiled. He then removed his hand from Nie Huai Sang's shoulder and gave him a small nod. Nie Huai Sang returned it and went towards Wen Ning and Jiang Cheng towards Lan Xi Chen.

"ZeWu Jun."

Jiang Cheng called out, touching his shoulder. Lan Xi Chen turned around with a smile on his face and asked,


"Well, can you help me with something?"


"Can you tell me what happened last night? I think I don't remember something really important. I went to find Nie Huai Sang but he also does not remember anything and I adviced him to find either you or Wen Ning and ask them by ourselves. "

"Well, nothing special happened."

Lan Xi Chen said and made his way to leave. However Jiang Cheng does not take no for an answer. So he followed Lan Xi Chen and kept on asking what happened and every time Lan Xi Chen answered something equivalent to "no," he would roll his eyes and keep on following.

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