17. Result[Part One]

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Lan Wang Ji can feel something happening to me after he drank the liquid from the bottle given by his uncle. He sees some weird stuff, some stuff which his subconscious mind is showing him. He wants to try those, feel how it feels. So he does the only logical thing he can think with that conscious mind of his, to tell Wei Wu Xian of those thoughts.

He held Wei Wu Xian's hand, kissed each one of his knuckles and told his husband of those thoughts, wishes, desires. Wei Wu Xian listens attentively. Attentively enough to find the ideas appealing enough to try. By the end, Wei Wu Xian can not help but kiss his hubby and nodes, he too wants to try, he too wants to feel. Moreover, he wants to see through his own eyes what his hubby has in his store.


Lan Wang Ji watches as Wei Wu Xian's mouth works behind the gag, his hands balled into fists where they are tied behind his back in soft, white ribbon. Lan Wang Ji moves to inspect his work, Wei Wu Xian's hooded eyes following him around the space of the bed. Wei Wu Xian's naked, bound, and laid on their bed in their room, his legs pulled up to his chest and secured, allowing free access to his pink asshole.

Wei Wu Xian moans, a rumble emitted deep from within his throat, as Lan Wang Ji caresses his constrained body, shivering as his hubby dips long, nimble fingers between Wei Wu Xian's ass. Lan Wang Ji ceased his parade around Wei Wu Xian, and stopped in front of the bed, where Wei Wu Xian's head angled away slightly.

This doesn't stop his golden human from twisting his head and looking up towards his hubby, dark brown irises soft and glittering, almost completely consumed by purple-grey pupils. His hands drift away from Wei Wu Xian's ass and fall into his soft hair, stroking and tugging at the black strands. Wei Wu Xian's eyes flutter, his hips shifting forward slightly, and this is what is most arousing for him – Lan Wang Ji, slowly, methodically, taking him apart and playing with his body, ignoring Wei Wu Xian's desire to rush through it all, get onto the fucking.

Wei Wu Xian's hips roll again, another unsuccessful attempt to create friction for his weeping cock, and something like a smirk crosses Lan Wang Ji's face.

Wei Wu Xian's moan is long and high, accompanied by another roll of his bound hips and a tilt to his head, nuzzling into Lan Wang Ji's hand. Lan Wang Ji cups his cheek, only to slide down to the hard lines of Wei Wu Xian's jaw, and hold him hard there, touch commanding and firm. Wei Wu Xian makes another noise behind his gag and struggles in his hand slightly – not to get away, but to feel the touch itself; feel the secure grip Lan Wang Ji has on his jaw.

Lan Wang Ji indulges him for a moment, before snapping out "cease", and Wei Wu Xian relinquishes full power back to Lan Wang Ji, becoming still, eyes still locked on him. Wei Wu Xian is panting as if he's run a marathon, sweat beading on his brows and down his back, pretty cheeks flushed pink, the color continuing down to stain his chest, and rosy his nipples. Lan Wang Ji drinks in the sight, his beautiful human making such a delightful picture.

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