19. Aftermath

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All the new followers, and other clan members had assembled together for that year's class to begin.

Lan Wang Ji himself had volunteered to give the first day's class. He has been giving the first class, every week since his uncle had retired. His brother, Lan Xi Chen never left him during the whole period.

Lan Wang Ji looked at his brother who nodded to answer the unspoken question. Lan Wang Ji then looked at the crowd before opening his mouth.

"For the first day of class, we are going to learn about the Gusu rules and you all are going to repeat after me, am I clear?"

After a chorus of "yes", Lan Wang Ji motioned for his brother, Lan Xi Chen to continue.


Lan Qi Ren had taken the liking of traveling and after retiring which was 2 years ago, has left to do some traveling and know about cultures through his own eyes as he puts it. Although he occasionally comes back, no one knows where he currently is.

No one questioned what Lan Qi Ren did although in the past one time someone dared to do that. Not that he minded. In front of everyone he might have appeared to be angry, disappointed in the two young men but how could he stay angry or disappointed or any of such feelings if it was his own nephew? His nephew he had raised along with his other nephew with his own hands, taught them everything, looked after them like his own son.

If you remove the mask, there is a man, who was, is and will always be proud of his sons. The title "nephew" was already gone, the time his brother told him to raise them as his own. Lan Qi Ren had considered them his own, and now he even has a grandchild. The angry, irritated man was happy.


Along with Wen Ning, Nei Huai Sang found not only his love but also reestablished his brother's Nie Clan. They are also thinking about having a child of their own. Either their own or adopt one. Over the years, Nie Huai Sang along with Wen Ning learnt a new meaning in life. A meaning which was kept far away hidden in the bottom of their minds.

If Wen Ning had nightmares about his past, Nie Huai Sang would be there sitting beside him, place sweet, small kisses; reassuring him it was all just dreams and that Nie Huai Sang was there when he would wake up; calling his sweetly and waking him up. If Nie Huai Sang had anxiety attacks remembering about how his brother was murdered, how if he could have saved his brother's life, Wen Ning would be there to calm him, say sweet nothings, promise things both of them wanted to fulfill in there lives, or just held him and tell to all he has to say, wipe his tears and place kisses till he was calmed once again.

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