DMS with Paul

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🤡Me After Him🤡
Ariel.. look we need to talk.

                                                    I have nothing to say

🤡Me after Him🤡
Please Ariel. Just hear me out.

                                 Honestly Paul, I don't really wanna hear about how you cheated on me, and how wrong it is. I know that it's fucking wrong! Obviously! So please take your sob story, and move on. I'm over it.

🤡Me After Him🤡
But I love YOU

                               Paul if you loved me you wouldn't have taken my heart, stomped on it, then set it on fire. People who love someone don't do that. It's not morally right.

🤡Me After Him🤡
She kissed ME
                       That is literally the oldest trick in the book, Paul. Just admit to me that you kissed her, and that you enjoyed it, then maybe I'd be able to forgive you. Just stop lying to me.

🤡Me After Him🤡
Let me take you out for coffee please.

                               Let me consult the judges... after careful consideration..  no go fuck yourself

🤡Me After Him🤡
Violet please

                                   Literally asked you to NOT call me that.

🤡Me After Him🤡
Please Ariel. I'm begging you.

                                                          Lol.. begging. Funny.

🤡Me After Him🤡
I really do love you, Ariel.

                         If you loved me, you wouldn't have done this.

Paul Wesley//Instagram Where stories live. Discover now