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     I walked onto the set of Ellen, smiling at the stage manager and my security guard. today was the day that I would sing my new song for the whole world to hear. I know that Ellen will ask about him... hell, my whole dms are filled with questions about my breakup with Paul. Questions like "how are you doing" or "paul is a jerk" or some shit like that. I try to put on a brave face for the media, but every time i seem to fail. Paul Wesley has completely broken me, and yet i still love him, even though he caused me so much heart break and pain. 

          "Ms. Jennings?" I heard the stage manager call out to me. I turn around and smile. "Youre on in thirty seconds." he said, smiling at me, giving me a thumbs up. I nodded at him, smoothing out my dress. 

          "Singer, songwriter, actress, and badass! Id like to welcome the beautiful Ariel Jennings out to the stage!" Ellens chipper voice said.  The crowd roared with applause and cheering. I walk onto the stage, looking at all the wonderful people in the crowd, smiling and waving. Smiling and waving... just keep smiling. Ellen stood up to meet me, shaking my hand, and then pulling me into a loving and warm hug. Ellen led me to the black leather chair. After i took a seat, she sat down in her chair, identical to mine. 

       "Hello Ariel!" Ellen said to me, smiling. I smiled back at her, playing the part so she couldnt see my true pain. 

       "Hello Ellen! Hello everyone!" I said, smiling to the crowd once more. Ellen got the crowd to settle down, making me uneasy, for i know what is coming next. 

        "You have been making yourself rather known in the media lately! From being casted on the hit CW TV show known as 'The Vampire Diaries', to modeling with vouge, to announcing your new single, you must be rather busy!" Ellen said, smiling at me. 

        "Every day is a new adventure, Ellen, but I truly love it." I said, putting on my fake smile. This acting has become a habit that im not sure I like. Ellen laughed at me, nodding. 

        "Oh I bet!" she said, looking at her note cards. "Tell us what its like working with the TVD cast. From behind the scenes, it seems that there is a close bond between all of you! Some closer then others, of course." She said, hinting at the off set romances. 

      "Working with the cast and crew has always been fun. There truly never is a dull moment. I remember my first day on set. I walked into the building and i was attacked by Daniel Gillies, who if you didnt know, plays my older brother Elijah Mikaelson. and when Daniel took me back stage, into Candice Accola's dressing room, I was again attacked with hugs from Ian, Joseph and Nina." I said to her.

        "You all seem like one big family." Ellen said, smiling. "What was your favorite day on set?" she asked, laughing slightly. 

         "Every day had to be my favorite day on set. Its all different in so many ways. But I thibk one of my favorite moments was when Ian and Nina were shooting a 'Delena' scene, and they had to do this big I love you confession. It was supposed to be serious, and they were supposed to be crying and all that fun stuff that comes along with acting. Matt Davis and i were on set because we were shooting our scene next, and we decided to try and mess up Ian by yelling every time he'd finally get emotional. Julie got so mad that she made us sit in the hallway, almost like a time out." I said, making the crowd laugh. 

         "If you could say your favorite thing about each cast member you work with, what would it be?" Ellen asked. To be honest, im very surprised that she hasnt brought up Paul. Isnt that what everyone is dying to hear about? 

        "Oh that might be hard." i said, fake laughing.  "For Nina, i think its her knowledge of all my favorite foods. Like I have no clue how in the world she even knew, but she gets it right every single time! For Ian, I love the fact that he drops everything for his friends in need, and is so understanding and kind. Daniel Gillies is such a child, but its a good thing. Hes just a kid at heart and brings the kid out in all of us, and we need that. JoMo is like an older brother to me, and would most likely beat anyone up for me. Candice is such an amazing woman, and she is just so awesome and talented and is gorgeous. Matt is the Alaric to my Marie. He truly is like my best friend, and like i dont know where i would be without him. Zach, Travino, and Stevie are the three peas in a pod, and their friendship is so amazing, and they are so protective and silly. I love them. Chris, Nate, and Claire are like my actual siblings. And its almost like Nate and Claire are the same person, while Chrissy and I are the same person. And Kat is such a badass, like i inspire to be kat. shes just so amazing. Im pretty sure thats everyone."  I said, leaving out Paul and Phoebe. I just cant bring myself to mention the two without bawling my eyes out. I know that the whole cast is watching right now, together... even with paul. I cant imagine how uncomfortable that must make everyone feel. I dont want to imagine it. 

     "That just sounds so amazing." Ellen said, not pushing the fact that paul cheated on me with Phoebe Tonkin. "Well everyone, i know that Ariel has a treat for you." 

      "So as all of you know, im diving back into my music for a short while, and I am releasing my new song 'Wasting all these tears'." I said smiling. 

         "Would you like to hear it?" Ellen asked the crowd. it roared yet again in applause, making me smile. Ellen leads me to the microphone, walking offstage, giving me everyone's full attention. I took a deep breath, allowing the music to flow through me. 

       "I tired to find you at the bottom of the bottle. Laying down on the bathroom floor. my loneliness was a rattle in the window. You said you dont want me anymore." I sang, feeling my nerves grow. I havent sang in two years. Man am i out of practice. 

      "and you left me standing on a corner crying, feeling like a fool for trying. i dont even remember why im wasting all these tears on you. i wish we could erase our memories cause you didnt give a damn about me. oh finally im through, wasting all these tears on you." my nerves started to settle, and i started to get back into the swing of things. 

     "you aint worth another sleepless night. and ill do anything i have to do to get you off my mind. cause what you wanted i couldnt give, and what you did boy, ill never forget. and you left me standing in a corner crying, feeling like a fool for trying. i dont even remember why im wasting all these tears on you. i wish we could erase our memories, cause you didnt give a damn about me. oh finally im through wasting all these tears on you.  i tried to find you at the bottom of the bottle, laying down on the bathroom floor."

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