Wedding Day Jitters

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      I looked at myself in the mirror. Candice, Nina, Claire, and Kat were my bridal court, Candice being my Maid of Honor. I'm sure that Paul, Ian, Daniel, Joseph, and Chris were all fucking around seeing as the grooms men where known for being the "life of the party." And knowing Ian he's going the be the best best man, meaning Paul is probably being well taken care of if you know what I mean.
       Nate and Steven were going to walk my girls down the isle, helping them throw the flowers onto the floor. Of course Paul and I wanted the girls apart of the wedding, but they are only one, and Nate loves them. So it was a perfect fit.
           "Okay Ariel! Time to get that wedding dress on!" Nina said to me, making the butterflies in my stomach flutter so much more. I don't have cold feet, I'm just very nervous. I mean hell, I've made it through childbirth of twins! I can do this! I love Paul with all that I have, I'm just nervous for some reason. And I know that I shouldn't be. Paul is everything that I could ever hope for in a man. He completely adores the girls, and he makes me feel like a million bucks every day. Why the hell am I so nervous?!
          "I'm scared Neens." I said softly to her. She sighed, turning me to her.
          "Today is going to be the second best day of your life." She said to me.
           "Second?" I asked her.
           "The best day of your life has already passed. That was the birth of your amazing girls." Nina said, making me smile.
      "I guess you're right." I said to her.
       "Now go get that dress on." Nina said, slapping my ass in the process.
        "KINKY!" I shouted.

I stepped out of the dressing room, when Candice, Kat, Claire, and Nina all stared at me, mouths open

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I stepped out of the dressing room, when Candice, Kat, Claire, and Nina all stared at me, mouths open.
"Oh my god. You look absolutely gorgeous." Nina said, as Candice gave me a bear hug.
"Ariel?" Matt asked, looking at me. "It's time." He said, making me nod.
Paul's POV

"Holy shit I'm getting married today... how do I... I can't... what if I..." I start to stutter, earning looks from Daniel, Joseph, Chris and Ian.
"As your best man, I order you to chill the fuck out." He said to me, placing a hand on my shoulder.
"How am I supposed to calm down?! I'm marrying the most perfect person in the whole entire world." I said, looking at the men in front of me. "She deserves the whole world, and I'm scared that I won't be enough."
"Paul listen to me man. You are marrying a very smart woman. She wouldn't marry you if she didn't think you were perfect for her. Hell you two have the most beautiful kids, and it's finally time to take a leap of faith. It's time to pledge forever." Daniel said, making me calm down a tiny bit.
"Paul?" Ninas voice asked. "It's time." It's go time.
Ariels POV

"You ready for this?" Matt asked me, as Ian and Candice walked down the isle, arms linked.
"I don't know." I said, looking at Matt. The next out where Daniel and Nina. Arms linked, they walked out of the room, stepping onto the isle located outside.
"I think you are." Matt said, making me smile. I put my head onto his shoulder. Next out was Joseph and Claire. Then Chris and Kat. Nate and Steven looked at me, smiling. Steven held Rora, and Nate has Lizzy. They let the girls throw the Rose perked around the floor when the music started, signaling that it's my turn to walk out of the chapel. To be seen by Paul, and the rest of the court. Matt grabbed my hand, squeezing it tightly.
"I'm ready now." I said, as Matt linked his arm into mine. We started to walk. The door opened, revealing the sunlight, and the beautiful venue. I instantly locked eyes with Paul, who looked amazing in his tux.


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       "You look amazing." Paul mumbled to me, making me smile at him.
       "You look very attractive yourself." I said back to him. The ceremony went by very fast, but Paul and I never removed our gaze from one another.
      "Violet Ariel Jennings. From the day that I found out you would be my co-star, I knew that I wouldn't be able to live without you. Your smile is contagious, and your laugh is music to my ears. Your eyes are the most beautiful shade of blue, and you are the most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on. I am truly a blessed man to have you in my life, and I'm an even luckier man to call you my Wife, and the mother of my kids. I promise to take care of you, Aliza, and Aurora, and I promise to be there in not only the good times, but the bad as well. I promise to stand by your side. I love you Violet." Paul said, making me tear up. I looked down at my vows, trying to keep my composure.
       "Paweł Tomaz Wasliewski, from the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew that there was something different about you. Something that made me want to just fall into your arms. Something that made me want to be near you all the time. You truly were special. The day we started to date was the thrift best day of my life. The best day of my life was the birth of our beautiful daughters Aliza and Aurora. My second best day is today. The day that I get to call myself yours forever. If I've learned anything from out job, it's that you can have it all. And I plan to love you and our girls until I have taken my last breath here on earth. In Mikaelson tradition, I will love you, always and forever." I said, looking up at a crying Paul.
       "By the power invested in me, I pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Paweł Wasilewski." The priest said. I smiled, looking at Paul. "You may kiss the bride." Paul leaned in, meeting his lips with mine.

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