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     "PAUL!!" I shouted, scared out of my mind. I felt the warm liquid running down my leg. Sharp pains erupted into my sides and my belly. "PAUL!!" I shouted yet again. I could feel the tears rush down my face as the love of my life shot up out of bed.
      "Baby it's okay. What's wrong?!" He asked, looking at me in a panic.
        "My water just broke." I said, looking at him.
        "Babe don't cry." He said. I nodded. He pulled out his cellphone, calling Matt and Ian. He ran around the room, throwing comfortable clothes into a bag, along with my hair brush, tooth brush, and deodorant. I pulled out my phone, dialing Candice's number.
       "Ariel? What's going on?" She asked groggy. I mean I would be groggy too seeing as it's 3 am.
      "Candice my water broke. I need you to call Nina and tell her to get to the hospital now. Paul is on the phone with Matt, and I'm sure he's already called Ian." I said to her, I could hear her fumbling around, trying to put on pants. "GAH!"
          "Babe!" Paul called put at the sound of my screams.
          "I'm fine. Just a small contraction." I said, even though it felt like I was being stabbed in the stomach. I started to pant.
         "I'm calling Nina now! Stay strong momma!" Candice said, hanging up the phone. I decided the next person to call was Daniel.
        "Babe let's go." Paul said, grabbing the bag, as he picked me up bridal style walking me to the car. He made sure to place down some towels on the seats, just in case I had more fluid come out of me. He ran back inside, grabbing me a granola bar and a water.
        "Ariel it is three am. What's up?" Daniels voice asked me. His voice was filled with energy.
       "Daniel... my water just broke. Paul, Matt, Nina, Candice, Ian, and I are all on our way. Please hurry." I begged.
         "I'm in my car now. See you soon." Daniel said, making me smile. I nodded and hung up. I looked at a freaking out paul.
         "What if I'm not a good dad? What if I don't... what if they get hurt? What if I don't make it in time?" Paul asked.
          "Paul stop thinking like that. You're going to be the worlds best dad, and they are going to love you with everything they have. I love you with everything I have." I said. "FUCK!" I shouted, biting my finger at the immense amount of pain I was feeling.
          "What can I do to help you?" He asked me, not removing his eyes off the road as he drove fast but safe.
          "I need you to stay strong. Okay? I'm in a lot of pain, and I know that's not really helping the situation, but I need you to get me in a hospital bed quickly."
Paul's POV
     Vi was sleeping in her hospital bed when Nina and Candice rushed into the room. Daniel, Matt, and Ian were not far behind him.
        "Sh." I said quietly, so they didn't disturb my sleeping Fiancée, who was going to deliver twins here sometime soon. "She's gonna need all the sleep she can get."
         "We completely understand." Nina said, sitting down in the couch in our room. Candice sat down next to Nina, and Ian next to her. Daniel took the chair on the far left side, and Matt took the windowsill. I sad on the bed next to Violet, maneuvering my way so that she was cuddled up next to me.
        "How are you doing?" Daniel asked me quietly.
        "I'm scared." I said. "And I know that I shouldn't be scared because of the fact that I'm not the one giving birth, but I'm scared because what if I mess up? What if I'm not everything she needs me to be. They need me to be?"
        "Paul..." Nina started. "You're going to be an amazing Husband and an even better father. You are going to do an amazing job with these girls. They will adore you, and you will adore them. What you have right now is what we can all hope for. You have an amazing woman by your side, and you're going to have two amazingly beautiful daughters."
        "Nina that is the most intelligent thing I've heard come out of your mouth." Ian said, laughing.
        "I say we all get a little bit of sleep before she starts having more contractions. This is going to be one long night." Matt said, looking at me. I nodded, kicking my shoes off, leaning back on the bed, making sure that Violet was comfortable. Candice and Daniel we're sharing the bed couch, and Nina slept on Ian's lap. Matt stayed in the corner.

        I woke up when she started to grunt in pain. Nina was already running out of the room, and Ian was pacing. Am I really that heavy of a sleeper?
       "Hey babe... it's okay. Breathe." I said to her, trying to calm her down.
        "It hurts so much." She said, crying into my shoulder. I want to take her pain. I want to make it all stop, and it kills me that I can't.
       "Where did Nina go?" I asked Candice.
       "She went to get the nurse." Candice said. The nurse came walking into the room. It's go time.

Ariels POV
       "Push Ms. Jennings." The nurse said to me. My body was filled with so much pain as I began the process of going into labor. And let me tell you it's a bitch. But I don't regret a second of it. Not one bit.
    I had my hand interlocked with Paul's, and every time I pushed, I squeezed his hand some more.
         "Jesus you're strong for a little thing." He said to me, making me laugh.
          "Now is not the time for making me laugh, Paweł." I said, rolling my eyes as I continued to push, screaming some more. Paul groaned as I held his hand.
           "You're doing an amazing job." Paul said to me, making me scoff.
           "Thank you. Gotta say this isn't my prettiest moment." I said, taking a break from pushing.
            "You're pushing two humans out of you, and you're worried about your appearance? Cute." He said, making me smile. 
        "I'm just trying to lighten the mood." I said, resuming my pushing. After a good ten minutes, the nurse announced that the baby was crowning. And just like that, she was born. And her sister came three minutes after. Paul burrowed his head into the crook of my neck, kissing it.
        "You did it." He said. "Oh my god you did it." I smiled, right before I passed out from all the drugs and the exhaustion.

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