The End

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     "And we want to thank you for eight amazing season on set of the vampire dairies. I cannot believe that the story has come to an end, but we loved every single second of it." Ian said, into the mic of our last comic-con.
        A young girl stepped up to the mic, ready to ask a question.
           "Hi! I just wanna say I absolutely love the show. And I just wanna ask what's the best thing that's come out of the show for you personally?" She asked. Paul grabbed my hand, resting it on top of the table.
        "I made amazing friends, and I met the love of my life and the mother of my kids. And I have to say thank you to the CW and Julie for casting her. I don't  know where I would be without her." Paul said, making me smile.
          "I would have to say the same. Out of this show, I got to meet such amazing people. I don't consider them friends, I consider them family. And I couldn't thank you guys enough. My live has been drastically changed, and I owe it all to you."

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