Chapter 36 Safe

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It's been 5 days since our fight and I haven't seen him since. Nor have he made any attempt to try and see me , not even to apologize. In a way I guess it was a good thing because what was I going to say to him anyway?

That I don't love you when you get like this ?

I have no idea how long this fight is going to last but one thing's for sure , I'm prepared to stick it out for however long it takes.

"Thank you." I said while one of the lady servants handed me my lunch. This was the one and only thing he's done for me since our fight. He hired some help - wives of his men - to keep the place clean and to feed me. Atleast until the babies were born. And aside from Dante still crying out to his father every night , my other two boys have been just as restless during the night not making me sleep a wink. So much for doing it by myself.

I ate that chicken sandwich as if it were my very last meal , devouring it in seconds right before Dante started crying. Not only were Marco and I fighting but someone else was planning my son's 1st birthday party. And it pained me to my very core. That was the thing I was looking forward to the most since his birth. All of the balloons and cakes, party decorations and dressing up ,but I guess it served me right having thrown such a fit. Not that it changed anything.

I lied back unto the bed -looking up at the ceiling - as I thought about how I was going to get out of this one. Maybe Marco was right , maybe it was just the hormones talking. I mean I felt a lot better now , infact I realize I was just maybe overreacting a tad bit . But I also know that Marco was in the wrong too saying the things that he did. His mouth always got him into all sorts of trouble when it came to me. So the blame wasn't totally on me.

"Alice!?" Marco barged through the door grabbing Dante.

"Oh , so you're talking to me again ? I hope you're here to apolo-"

"Shh !" He shushed me while shoving Dante into my arms.

"What -"

"I need you to go down to the panic room. Take Dante with you." He said looking out of the door while I watched him confused.

"If this is your way of apologising it's pretty ba-"

"It's not. I just, I need you to get to the panic room now. Please. " He pleaded while draping his jacket over Dante in my arms before yelling out of the door ; "cover me !" A bunch of gunshots went off after that - making me realize the essence of the situation - while Marco rushed us down to the panic room , bullets missing us by a hair. I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared.

Unlocking the panic room , I see all of the lady servants - the wives- already there and huddled into a corner. You could see they weren't used to this lifestyle just like I was at the beginning.

"Marco?" I said , walking over before he closed the door. "Be safe. " I said while he nod his head closing the door as I turned around seeing the fear in their eyes. I knew now more than ever it was my job to keep them sane. Uncovering Dante - seeing him look up at me - they all immediately rushed over to us. No women could resist looking at a baby.

By the time Dante was sat down for his nap, they were all pretty much exhausted too. They were all either lying on a bed, eating something or crying at the thought of their husbands. I would be too under different circumstances but I knew better than to be weak when they needed me the most. I've thought about what I should say to them , encouraging them , yet nothing seemed to feel right. I mean, how do you tell them; Yeah your husband might die but he also might not ? It's awful! So instead we all sat in dead silence until the heavy lock turned again.

My eyes immediately met Marco's seeing him barely being able to hold himself up as I ran to him , him falling into my lap while all of the women ran out to find their husbands.

I watched as he looked up at me with tired eyes , his blood staining my hands and clothes. He looked terrible. Absolutely terrible.

"What happend ?" I asked, wiping his hair to the side revealing the cut above his brow.

"We were ambushed. I'm so sorry Alice. " He said, trying to get up.

"Shh , don't be. " I said helping him to his feet and to the bed slowly . "There's no way you could've known."

"I'm talking about this. I'm talking about us. I was so insensitive and I'm sorry." He said looking up at me while the blood trickled down unto the bedding.

"Let's not talk about that right now. We have to get you cleaned up." I said standing up as he pulled me back by my arm.

"When I heard the gunshots , all I could think about was you. And Dante, and our unborn son's. You were the thing that kept me alive and fighting. I couldn't die knowing the last thing I said to you was during a fight. I love you too much to just let you go without a fight. Tell me you understand, please Alice. " he said pleading as I watched the pain swim around in his eyes. And not because of his injuries .

"I know. And I'm sorry too . But we can talk about this later when you're not about to faint on me." I said with a smile -trying to lighten the mood - as I picked Dante up in the one arm and helping Marco to his feet with the other.

The circumstances might not have been ideal . But in a way I'm glad it brought us back together. I knew now that I was SO wrong for thinking I could ever not love him. I loved him. And I've never stopped. I just wish this fighting could come to an end too...

That's it ! I'm sorry if it's terrible. I had a pretty rough day when I wrote this so my mind wasn't in the right headspace. I'll fix it in editing next time 💛 thank you so much for reading. Remember to leave your thoughts in the comment section below. Until next time keep howling my wolves ❤🐺

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