Stuff to help

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If you have not had top surgery yet these are some things I suggest.

• Layers. You can never have too many layers (unless it's summer or really warm where you live). Layers help hide your chest, especially if you don't have a binder. I might have mentioned this tip before, but it really does help.

•If you don't have a binder I also suggest wearing a lot of undershirts to help flatten your chest or look for safe alternatives for a binder, such as cutting the top of a bathing suit.

This, in general, should help.

•If you feel it won't make you dysphoric, make up. There is actually contour out there for guys to appear more masculine. Makeup is not just for girls. I'll talk about this more in a separate chapter, but make up can really help you in your appearances.

•Posture. I can not stress this enough, posture will help you throughout your life. A confident posture make people more prone to respect you.

•Don't listen to people who want to tear you down. People who want to tear you down will always be around, but don't listen to them. Ever.

•Working out. I wish someone would have told this to me sooner but working out will help you SO much. Not only will it improve your mental state, but also help you appear more masculine. Specifically upper body workouts.

I hope this helped!

Hey guys! I hope this helped some and I hope this wasn't all just a repeat of what you've heard elsewhere!
As always thank you for reading, you are never anything less than loved, you are and will always be valid no matter what anyone says!
See you later!

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