Why Does S.H.I.E.L.D. Like Glass Prisons?

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I am going to break the rules of formatting and perspective for a bit. For you to truly understand what happened in some parts of my story I enlisted the help of someone else to narrate the parts I'm unable to. We'll just call them the narrator for right now, they wish to remain anonymous. And if I did tell you who they were it would spoil the story and we don't want spoilers! I am telling you this so you don't think I'm just being lazy and all of the sudden flipping the perspective because a) I didn't and b) I'm not. It's just even though it is my story I need more than one person's point of view to tell it properly. So to start this part of the telling of my life the narrator will take the reins!


Tony Stark was staring out one of the windows of Stark Tower, his fingers rapping against the glass in a thoughtless tune.

After a minute of this stressful tapping, he pounded the glass with his fist, "We had him, Steve. Chained and muzzled, the Tesseract obtained, the spear no longer controlling anyone and then poof, gone." He turned to look at Captain America who was sitting on a chair reading reports. "You know what really annoys me? We might have to do a complete repeat, we'll have to do everything all over again."

Steve put down his papers, "Well that is the reality of war. Prisoners escape, putting people's lives on the line. But you need to put your annoyance behind you, pick up your courage, and go and hunt down the bad guy. It's the reality of being a soldier."

"We're not soldiers, I've already told you this. You might be, but the rest of us are Avengers."

"Tony we've been over this just because of you...." Steve was interrupted before he could finish.

"Sir, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Nick Fury wishes to call you. He says that S.H.I.E.L.D. might have found a leads," Jarvis informed them.

"Patch him through," Tony said.

A video call of Fury appeared in front of them, "Well gents it's time to get off your temporary holiday 'cause we got a lead. Call the rest of the team. There is something unusual about this one, so unusual in fact I'll be there in person."

"How long until you get here?" Steve asked.

The video call ended, and the doors of the elevator opened with Fury stepping out, "I'm already here Captain."

Soon the rest of the Avengers had been gathered together. They stood and sat around the room, excited yet anxious. This was their first lead since Loki had disappeared with the Tesseract with his spear disappearing soon after. They were all ready to have this whole thing behind them.

Fury cleared his throat to get all of their attention, "Well, we seemed to have found our escape. He or should I say she, has been seen here in New York, not many blocks away from here."

"Excuse me, sir, did you just say she...?" Steve asked.

"You heard me right, Captain. Unless this is a woman who has a ridiculously similar fashion sense and physical features, our good friend Loki has switched genders on us. Stark, if you could pull up the pictures and video feeds we were able to gather I'll show you all what I mean."

There were several pictures and a few videos of a woman who had an incredible resemblance to Loki. She was walking in the shadows, allies, and was always looking over her shoulder. It was like she was trying to not be seen, but not really.

"Thor, does your brother often, um, flip genders?" Banner asked.

"Well, it is not unheard of. Loki can shapeshift and in the past when it benefited him, he would become a woman. But he has not done it for many years. I thought he stopped that form of shapeshifting."

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