soulmates : huang renjun

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(soulmate au: whatever you or your soulmate writes/draws on their own hands appears on their soulmate's too)

"3.... 2.... 1..." i said to myself as i watch he countdown strike to 12, "yay i guess i'm 16 now?" i sarcastically said as i look at the clock. "well the search of a soulmate begins now i guess" i muttered as i switched off the lights to go to bed.

the next morning:
i woke up and got ready to start my day at school, i got in my uniform and grabbed an apple on the way out the door and waited for the bus that took 15 minutes to arrive. i walked into the bus and put my earphones in as i do every morning, i doubted that anyone even knew it was my birthday today and if i'm being honest i'm used to it at this point. my only "friend" left me and talked shit behind my back for what reason? yes you guessed it, popularity. as i was staring at the window i thought of something that i should've thought about in the beginning, maybe i can use this to be able to communicate to my soulmate.

the bus arrived at school and as i was about to get up from the bus not expecting anybody to greet me at all, until "happy birthday stupid" a familiar voice behind me spoke. i turned around to see my childhood close friend/neighbor, "r-renjun? n-no way i-i think i'm d-dreaming" i stuttered, "shut up and hug me already, you think i forgot?" he teased. this was the first time renjun and i have seen each other since elementary and only realising now that he transferred to my school, i gave him a hug and looked at him. he still looks the same after 7/8 years with his adorable smile and natural charms, he wore our school uniform along with a jacket that covered his hands halfway and he looked amazing. after talking for a while we walked discussing about our classes and seeing if we had any together. turns out we had all classes together we laughed and joked about it. as renjun and i caught up on many things and exchanged numbers another familiar face shows up. "hi i'm eunsang! nice to meet you can i show you around?" my ex best friend greeted, "no thank you i already have y/n to do so" he said with his adorable smile. come to think of it i always had a crush on renjun, even when we were still really young i just never minded it much, "out of everyone here why her?" eunsang spat out giving me a glare. i rolled my eyes and grabbed renjuns hand attempting to pull him back,

i tried pulling him but he held a tight grip on my hand but not so tight that it'll hurt me. "watch your mouth i may not know who you are but as for me you're bad news, c'mon y/n lets go" as he still held my hand and dragged me to our class.

{time skip to class}
renjun and i sat together in class and it was like the old times, old memories kept running through my mind remembering how both of us were inseparable. renjun noticed me looking at him with a smile "Y/N THE BELL RUNG LETS GO TO LUNCH" he shouted as the bell rung. he held my hand and pulled me to the cafeteria to get food, i felt butterflies in my stomach and just ignored it.

shortly we got food and went up to the rooftop which was locked but luckily i have the key, we chatted even more up in the rooftop. "y/n what're you gonna do for your birthday?" he asked me "cause i'm free today maybe we can hang out some more ya know?" as he asked that my cheeks started turning into a bright shade of pink, "of course wanna come over? i asked him as well. "of course y/n, i missed you so much and when i found out you went to seoul high i was so excited to meet you especially on your birthday" he cheered as i remembered something. i took a pen out of my bag and started to write on my arm, "y/n are you okay? ohhh you're trying to find your soulmate aren't you?" he smiled as he nudged me a bit with his elbows.

i rolled up my sleeves and as i was about to write/draw anything he said "y/n it's too cold out you're gonna get a cold" he asked we worriedly with a pout. "aish injunnie, i'll be okay" as i drew a heart on my wrist waiting for my soulmate to maybe draw something.

we had the rest of our classes together , walked out of school and waited for the bus. since it was cold today the heater in the bay was on making us remove our jackets. i looked at my wrist and then looked at renjuns, i saw the same exact heart on his left wrist. i brushed it off thinking he also drew one as i was focused on drawing mine. a couple minutes passed by as we got to my house. "hey y/n hey injun, WAIT INJUN" my mom realises as renjun and i laughed as my mother realised he was back, "mom injunnie and i are going to my room, can we go out later?" i asked my mom as she gave renjun a hug and thankfully she agreed. my mom's always been fond of renjun and liked the idea of him and i together.

as we got to my room,renjun looked around seeing framed pictures from when we were kids. "awhh y/n-nie i remember this" as he picked up the framed picture of him and i making snow angels when we were younger when we went to busan. i smiled thinking of that memory and then asked renjun if we should go to a cafe near by, "oh alright y/n i'll just put on my coat and lets get going" he chuckled as he gave me his signature charming smile while he held my hand. it honestly gave me butterflies and i felt that it was right that we were together and i hope he felt the same way.

{time skip to the cafe}
renjun and i arrived at the small cafe, we ordered our drinks and a snack too as we found a seat next to the window. i looked out the window admiring the autumn leaves as they were falling down the trees while the wind takes them somewhere "autumn is definitely my favorite season, don't you think?" i turned around and asked renjun. i caught him staring at me and honestly he's adorable, i snapped my fingers in front of his eyes as he said "yah let me look at a pretty girl for once" as he rolled his eyes.

"injun do you have a pen?" i asked him as the barista called since our drinks were ready, "sure it's in my bag the first pocket" he answered as he got up collecting our drinks. i drew a smiley face on my left wrist seeing if it would appear on renjuns and it did, "injunnie give me your hand" i told him as i was about to reach for it. i noticed he blushed a little and gave him a smile as i wrote the words "i love you" on his hand, i'm not even kidding we both blushed and looked away. i looked at my wrist seeing those exact words, renjun reached for the pen and proceeded to write down something, it was short but definitely a word. i looked at my wrist again seeing "i love you too", i looked up at renjun as he gave me a big smile.

"well y/n i guess we're soulmates" he chuckled as he held my hand, "if i'm being honest i always had a crush on you, you're unique and that's what stood out to me the most" he said as he held my hand. "hey everyone is unique stupid and honestly i've always had a crush on you, we were like i don't know 8-9?" i mocked and explained how i always loved him. we discussed about it more and shortly afterwards he did something that i did not expect, "y/n, my dearest y/n, the one that was always by my side. the one who i was always there for, the girl who stood up for me, the girl—" he was about to say and then looking confused, "you aren't gonna tell me to get to the point?" he asked confused. "i love you too much to shut you up i like hearing you talk idiot" i teased as he kept going. "will you be my girlfriend?" he asked, i came closer to him,grabbed his hands and looked at his eyes full of love "oh huang renjun, i love you so much idiot is that even a question?" i teased as i cupped his face with my hands giving him a peck on the cheek.

"i cant wait to spend the rest of my life with the one i love and adore the most, you really do stand out" he came closer leaning in as my hands were still cupped on his face, "what do you mea—" he cut me off with a  kiss on the lips. he let go and said,

"so it was fate wasn't it?"

(a/n: i wanted to focus more on individual members as well as make it more casual instead, i hope you liked it !!)

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(a/n: i wanted to focus more on individual members as well as make it more casual instead, i hope you liked it !!)

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