why him?: hwang hyunjin (pt.1)

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(mafia au: this contains violence so if you're uncomfortable with it don't read)
"i scheduled a 'meeting' with our target, i told him to meet us by that ditch near the dumpster at 31st street" our leader chan said as we were about to go do our mission. "felix and jisung, lure him to where he's about to stand" chan demanded, "got it" they both said in sync. "seungmin and jeongin, hack into the security system making sure that nothing would be recorded and absolutely no witnesses around whatsoever" chan demanded once more, "way ahead of you hyung" seungmin replied as jeongin nodded his head. "changbin provide the weapons that y/n and hyunjin would need to shoot the guy" chan looked at changbin as he nodded. "minho, you're with me, i'll grab him and you drive us to another ditch hours from he-" chan explained as hyunjin cut him off. "IM NOT WORKING WITH HER" he raged, "shut the fuck up hyunjin, do you think i want to partner up with you?" i say with a disgusted look on my face.

"GET IN THE FUCKING CAR WE DONT HAVE MUCH TIME" minho yelled as hyunjin and i ran in, shortly afterwards we were in a bush with a sniper. i aimed the gun as i was about to shoot till he told me to move, "move, youre an amateur" he shrugged, ive been training for 5 years i think i can do this thank you very much" i grabbed the gun from his hands as i shot the target with accuracy. "thats how it's done bitch" i cursed as i put the gun away, hyunjin gave me a disgusted look as we walked to the car.

we arrived to the base and i went straight to my room, worst of all it was hyunjin and i who shared rooms. "can you let me shower for fucks sake?" i yelled, "uhh no cause you pushed me so you could get in the room first dip shit" he yelled back. i went to my bed scrolling through my phone as i waited for hyunjin to get out, time flew by as i saw my no. 1 enemy shirtless saying "i forgot a shirt, don't stare at me" he rolled his eyes as he went to his closet. "i never planned to look at you bitch" i rolled my eyes while going to the bathroom.

i came out of the shower, changed and walked out of the bathroom, as soon as i made my way to my bed i hear chan calling all of us for a meeting, "good job y/n and hyunjin for shooting the guy" he praised the both of us awhile hyunjin and i exchanged glares. chan made us flinch from him hitting the table so suddenly, "FOR FUCKS SAKE WHY CANT YOU TWO GET ALONG" he yelled, "WELL FIRST OF ALL, WHY HIM?" i yelled back. "you two are good at handling guns with precise aim, if you guys complain so much then i'll change the partners, "y/n and jisung and felix and hyunjin, hyunjin keep a small pistol just in case he spots jisung and y/n" chan assured as we all nodded our heads. "you still share rooms though i can't do anything about that" chan shrugged as he left the room.

(the next day)
"we have a mission, we have to go to the other side of seoul for this but it'll be worth it. this guy almost got us caught by blackmailing us"
chan announced it mission while we all got into the car. hyunjin and i sat together again in the car, he irritated me on purpose again. "HYUNJIIN STOP" i yelled at him as he was constantly saying "even the dead bushes look prettier than you", "even all the dead rats look more handsome than you" i replied back "TAKE THAT BACK THIS INSTANT" he yelled out as i shook my head.

we arrived to the other side of seoul where we went to murder our target, jisung and i went to take cover in an abandoned shed as we held the gun that changbin gave us. "jisung why don't you shoot the gun" i offered, jisung nodded his head and tried to aim but failed. i helped him position the gun helping him by giving some tips as well, "thank you for the tips y/n! i'll for sure use them when we have to work like this again" he smiled. "no problem" i said back as the target was there, i couldn't help but see hyunjin looking at me. jisung shot him in the head and felix and hyunjin dragged him near where chan was, chan took the body and left with minho in the getaway car while we were waiting for changbin. shortly after he arrived we all went to our seats as i still sat next to hyunjin, it took us a while 6 hours to reach the base but it was worth it.

(hyunjin's pov)
we were in the car on the way home and i could not help but glare at jisung, something inside me made me furious but that can't be possible since we're enemies. why the fuck do i feel jealous this isn't possible, as i thought about it while glaring at jisung i noticed y/n fell asleep on my shoulder. i let her do so as i felt that it was right, jisung caught me staring at him and said "dude you've been staring at me for the past hour, are you mad?" "no what the fuck? what makes you think that?" i asked. "dude you looked at y/n the entire mission, you almost got us caught douche bag" felix messed around,

"no shit you've been staring at him for so long every time i looked in the mirror to check the back you were in the same position with your eyes directly at him" changbin said while he was driving. "dude if you like y/n then i won't come in between you guys and you know i don't like her" jisung assured trying to make me not kill him. "I DONT LIKE Y/N" i denied without noticing my cheeks got redder, "yea sure about that" jisung roles his eyes sarcastically. y/n started waking up, she opened her eyes halfway "y/n you can go to sleep we still have a few more hours till we get home okay?" i said reassuringly. y/n hummed in response and went back to bed while felix,jisung and changbin stared at me as if i was insane and i gave them a confused look in return, "dude i've never seen you speak this soft to y/n like EVER" felix exaggerated while the other two nodded. "she's asleep dude like we were out the door by 4:30 am" i responded, "whatever you say" jisung rolled his eyes.

(back to y/n's pov)
i woke up to see that i was leaning on hyunjin's shoulder, "get the fuck up little shit we're home" he spat out. i walked out of the car and went to my room immediately and crashed on my bed looking for my phone, "y/n we have training and you're gonna be my partner" hyunjin said as he got changed, "fine fine fine", i got shocked seeing that i actually agreed to do something with hyunjin. what the fuck is wrong with me today? there's no way that i'm catching feelings am i? get your shit together you aren't.

(time skip to to training)
we started off at the shooting range and hit the target at least 2/3 times, we eventually stopped as it started to get boring as we've done this many times. we started the fighting bit afterwards, "look y/n i'm not going to go easy on you" he warned. "yea yea just get this over with", a few minutes pass by and he got on top of me. "i told you i wasn't gonna go easy on you" hyunjin said once more, i pushed him off saying "whatever, this is why i handle the guns" i bragged. "OH MY HYUNJIN HYUNG AND Y/N" we heard a voice yell behind us, it was no other than the maknae jeongin. "JEONGIN IT IS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE I SWEAR" hyunjin yelled at him, "ahhhh you're trying to tell me you guys are not making out meaning you actually did" jeongin chuckled "i'll keep your secret no problem" jeongin winked and left off. i got up and kicked hyunjin, "WHAT WAS THE FOR?" he winced in pain "UHM I DONT KNOW CAUSE YOU MADE JEONGIN THINK WE WERE MAKING OUT?" i was about to kick once more but i stopped myself and even i didn't know why. hyunjin braced himself waiting to get kicked when he wasn't, "y/n you aren't gonna kick me? don't you hate me?" he teased. "haha funny, don't you hate me? you let me sleep on your shoulder like it was nothing and even told me to go back to sleep when your loud dramatic ass yelled" i shrugged, "then why'd you agree on training with me without argument?" he smirked.

"that's not important" i shrugged off "yea yea whatever" he said as he stood up, jisung walked in the room and came up to us. "y/n! hii how are y—" he was cut off by hyunjin, "y/n lets go" he said while he grabbed my hand as he dragged me to our shared room, "what the fuck was that?" i asked "nothing just shut up" he added.

 "y/n! hii how are y—" he was cut off by hyunjin, "y/n lets go" he said while he grabbed my hand as he dragged me to our shared room, "what the fuck was that?" i asked "nothing just shut up" he added

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(a/n: this has already reached 1.6k words so i decided to make a part 2 !!)

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