alone place : mark lee (pt. 1)

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september 20th 2015:
"y/n are you free tonight?" my best friend eunji asked, "i'm sorry i have somewhere to go" i shrugged at her "fine then i was gonna invite you to a party but never mind" she tried making me feel bad. eunji was my roommate and best friend, she's very extroverted and loves to party all night while i prefer either staying at home or go to my alone place. my alone place is only 3 bus stops away from eunji and i's shared apartment and i go there almost every night, it's an abandoned theme park that was never finished and i always go the pair of big swings and stargaze. "y/n i'm leaving leave the door open" she coldly said as she left the house with a short dress on, so far eunji and i haven't gotten along so well all she does is party and come home drunk. these past few months we've been arguing since she never does shit around the house and it's always me, at this point the stress has built up that it almost affected my preparation to get into an entertainment company.

i decided to ignore everything that's going on in my life and decided to go to my alone place, i decided to wear some sweatpants and a hoodie with some sneakers before grabbing my phone,earphones and my bus card and putting in my bag. i walked out of the house with the keys too just in case someone dropped her off and she locked the door herself before i got home.

i arrived to my bus stop and waited for the bus, as usual i plugged my earphones in a started listening to music while waiting for the bus.

shortly after the bus arrived i scanned my card and sat down on an empty seat near the window, i looked at my phone to see that it was only 11:30 and normally i leave at 12 so i decided to stop by a coffee shop which was next to a bar. as i made my way to the shop i saw eunji inside the bar through the window, "she always at the bar" i grunted as i looked at her downing a drink. i turned around to the coffee shop and i went inside, it was so much more quiet. "hello what would you like?" the barista asked me, he was really attractive. he had black hair and really pretty brown eyes that reflected the light making it look like there were stars in his eyes, "id like one iced americano" i smiled at him and he smiled back,

after waiting for a while i got my drink, he gave me a straw along with a napkin. i looked back once more and smiled at the cute barista while he smiled back. i went outside taking a sip of my drink not realising i spilt a little on myself, as soon as i realised i took the napkin and i noticed a note "i think you're really pretty, i hope you stop by soon again~" i read the note and it made me smile white i wipes the spilt coffee in my chin.

(time skip to your alone place)
i sat on one of the two pairs of swings and looked up at the night sky, it was quiet, beautiful and peaceful. it was everything i wanted in eunji and i's apartment but it was far from that, suddenly i heard something behind me. "do you mind if i sit on the swing next to you?" i heard a familiar voice, it was the barista from the cafe. "glad to see you again, what brings you here?" i asked him "well this is usually my alone place, i'd usually go here from around 5-8 pm to see the sunset" he smiled "i usually stay here and stargaze to forget about my problems" i smiled back. "being a trainee and having a part time job at the same time is frustrating" he chuckled as he looked up in the sky to see the stars. "i have an audition to an entertainment company next week, i just hope my roommate doesn't ruin it" i sighed while i looked at him, he looked back at me and said "don't worry you'll do great, plus you aren't responsible for your roommate" he motivated me. "i'm mark by the way" he introduced himself while he was swinging, "i'm y/n" i responded as i swung gently on the swings. at this time it was 12 in the morning but i stayed there and talked with mark, we exchanged phone numbers and started going on about our lives.

"my roommate has been partying almost every weekend and she knows how much i cant stand the smell of alcohol" i sighed as i looked at mark, "i've been there before, i discussed it with my roommate at the time and he decided to move out" he suggested. we've been talking as if we've known each other for years and it honestly felt good talking to someone and it doesn't end up in an argument, "y/n it's almost 1 am i think we should get going, i'll walk you home if that's okay with you" he offered, i nodded my head as the both of us walked out of the abandoned park to the bus stop.

(present day)
i passed the audition to the company i was auditioning for and i started practicing, "great work guys i'll see you guys tomorrow and please practice the choreo when you can" the choreographer advised as all of us trainees nodded our heads. i stayed in the practice room and practiced for another hour not noticing mark was there. he's been picking me up from practice ever since i got accepted and it's really sweet, i low-key started to catch feelings from the first day,and it's been a few months already. "youre really good at dancing" he complimented as i looked away in embarrassment, "shut up you're the better dancer here i mean have you seen yourself?" i said as i denied it and we both laughed as we left the building.

we got to my apartment and it was a mess, there were paper cups and plates everywhere, the faint smell of alcohol, and a wasted eunji on the couch. "EUNJI WHAT THE FUCK? YOU THREW A PARTY WHILE I WAS OUT TRAINING AND YOU DIDNT EVEN CLEAN?" i yelled at her, "I DONT NEED TO CLEAN WHEN I HAVE YOU AROUND YOURE SO UNGRATEFUL" she yelled back. "GRATEFUL FOR WHAT? YOU HAVENT DONE ANYTHING AROUND THE HOUSE" i raged as i hit my hand on the table making her as mark flinch, the argument started getting even more heated until eunji yelled something that i never thought i'd ever hear from her. "YOU FUCKING BITCH JUST MOVE OUT ILL FIND A ROOMMATE AND BEST FRIEND THAT ACTUALLY IS NORMAL AND NOT A LONER" she yelled as he slammed her hands down onto the table,

i could not help but tear up from those hurtful words. "y/n you aren't a loner" mark said as he pulled me into a hug, i hugged him back and we stayed like that for a while. he pulled back and said "c'mon i'll help you pack, you're living with me from now on" he smiled as he helped me pack my stuff in a suitcase. "mark?" i asked him he hummed in response while putting my folded clothes in the bag, "can we make one stop to, you know where?" i pondered while playing with my fingers in nervousness, "of course" he comforted while zipping up my suitcase.

we walked to the bus stop from my apartment and waited, at this point it was 4:30 in the evening pretty early to go there but from marks description the sunset is quite beautiful. "sweet! it's 4:30, we'll make it in time to see the sunset. i cant wait to see it with one of the most uhm b-beautiful people o-on the p-planet" he giggled then stuttered, "i could listen to you giggle all day" i laughed while i pinched his cheek. "MARK!" a voice yelled from behind us, "johnny? what're you doing here?" mark looked all confused at the tall man. "oh nothing i thought i'd just say hi while you're on your day off, oh is that y/n? wait isn't she the one yo-" johnny said but then got cut off by mark, "YEP UHM YEA YEA UH JOHNNY GO TO YOUR CAR AND ILL SEE YOU AT PRACTICE OKAY? HAHAHAH" mark yelled awkwardly.

 "oh nothing i thought i'd just say hi while you're on your day off, oh is that y/n? wait isn't she the one yo-" johnny said but then got cut off by mark, "YEP UHM YEA YEA UH JOHNNY GO TO YOUR CAR AND ILL SEE YOU AT PRACTICE OKAY? HAHAHAH" mark ye...

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