mr. annoying: liu yangyang

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"LIU YANGYANG" i raged as yangyang kept tapping my shoulder saying, "y/n, y/n,y/n,y/n," continuously without taking a break. "LiU yANG YaNg" he mocked me while laughing, if i'm being honest yangyang is really attractive like almost every other girl is head over heels for him. but out of all of those girls he chose to annoy me, other girls always accuse me for 'stealing' him.

how did he start annoying me to begin with? it all started in 5th grade, yangyang was an exchange student from germany.

(flashback to 5 years ago in 5th grade)
"hiii my name is yangyang, liu yangyang i hope i can get along with everyone" the young boy greeted, "okay yangyang come here and sit next to y/n" miss ahn reassured the boy if he was okay sitting to me, yangyang nodded his head and walked over to me. "hi i'm y/—" i was about to say until he cut me off, "i heard miss the first time" he said as he sat down. "sheesh are you this annoying?" i rolled my eyes, "i can be even more annoying y/n" he sat down.

(present day)
so that's how it happened, the teachers keep putting me next to him to deal with this annoying ass, i mean he's kinda cute but that doesn't overpower how annoying he is. he always invites me to lunch with him and his friends, my only friend started hating me too because of yangyang. she was always frustrated why i out of all people caught his attention, the bell rung as it was time for lunch.

"y/nnn lets have lunch together with the boyss" he begged as he gave his signature smile and puppy eyes, i put my hand out and he pulled me while running to the canteen. we got our food and found where the boys were, "oh well if it isn't my otp" lucas giggled as he nudged yangyang with his shoulder. i brushed it off and started talking with the rest of the members, "y/n you have a pen mark on your face" kun says as he reached for my face with a damp napkin. immediately afterwards yangyang grabbed the napkin and proceeded to wipe the pen mark off my face, "i'll take care of it" he said while doing so. it made the other girls who were in love with yangyang including my ex best friend, naeun jealous

after lunch yangyang went to the bathroom telling me to wait for him as i was taking my books from my locker. my hand was in the locker as naeun showed up with a few other girls proceeding to slam my hand in the locker, it was painful and i was sure it left a bruise. "back off yangyang otherwise i'd do things to you that you don't ever want to know" she spat out as she pushed on my hand harder, "if he gives his attention to me first it's not my fault" as i pushed her hand off my locker. i looked at my hand seeing a purple mark, yangyang arrived from the bathroom and went to me ignoring the other girls while they greeted him. "helloo yangyang oppa~" the girls greeted in sync, how ever he did not greet them back instead of that he looked at my hand worriedly "y/n what the fuck happened to your hand? this is why i rarely leave you alone i don't like seeing you getting hurt" he admitted. "yangyang i'm fine" i muttered as he looked at me in the eyes "when i find out who did i will never forgive them and never even speak a word to them ever again" he raged "i know you're not that dumb to the point you would get this big of a bruise on your hand by yourself" he looked at the girls who did this to me. "if i see another mark on her especially because of you, you will be in trouble" he glared at them in the eyes while he lead me to the clinic.

he started treating my bruise with a disinfectant while he grabbed a bandage from the first aid kit, "you should really be more careful y/n" he said a little frustrated. for the first time in years i felt touched by yangyang since he always irritated me, and i don't know why i always let it slide, honestly he's the one of the few people who actually cares for me.

"let's skip class today, we have library and usually our teacher is asleep and never checks at our attendance" when he said that i gave him a shocked look, "c'mon stupid you need a break, you literally just got hurt and i don't want it getting worse" he pleaded. "fine idiot but if we get caught i'm blaming it on you" i shrugged "i have the keys to the rooftop, and because of me no ones been to the rooftop in years cause the school thought they lost the key" he laughed. "let's go" i said as i grabbed his hand, "shit" i said to myself. both of us blushed as he dragged me to the roof top, "it's beautiful up here" i gasped as yangyang gave me a big smile "it's not as beautiful as y-you" he muttered under his breath. "pardon?" i asked him "it's nothing" he scratched his head as we sat down looking at the view of the city, i leaned my head on his shoulders as he leaned his on mine. "yangyang?" i called him, "hm?" he responded, "what do we have next period?" i asked "fuck next period i wanna stay here" he smiled.

i finally got the courage to ask him something i never thought i'd ask him, "do you wanna hangout? like later in the evening" i asked him with my head down. "of course idiot, i've been meaning to ask you this too. let's go get some snacks and laser tag?" he suggested "yes!" i smiled as we stayed there for a little longer. school ended and we both walked to our shared dorm along with the rest of the members, lucas roomed with kun, hendery roomed with xiaojun,yangyang roomed with ten and i roomed with winwin. i arrived to my room to see winwin got there first, "winwin-ah i'm going out later,don't leave a mess" i told him. "yah just because i allow you not to call me oppa or whatever doesn't mean you don't show me respect okay?" he said softly but sternly, "yes sir" i messed with him.

i went to the living room seeing that there were no spots on the couch since there were already six people on the couch, "y/n sit on my la—" lucas was about to say teasing yangyang. yangyang got mad and said "y/n come here sit on mine instead" he laughed i was embarrassed as i walked up to yangyang "i hate you" i whispered, "i know you love me" he winked teasingly. i sat on his lap and watched netflix with him and the boys for a few hours, i checked the time to see it was 5:30, "yangyang let's get ready" i grabbed his hand as we walked. a few minutes go by while i got ready, i wore a shirt and some shorts but yangyang didn't look too pleased with what i wore. "y/n are you crazy? it's cold and i don't want you to wear something that revealing" he nagged while handing me his hoodie, "put this on" he shrugged as i wore it and it was huge. i felt safe in it for some reason and i have no idea why, we left the house and greeted the members as we went out of the dormitory.

(time skip to 7 eleven)
yangyang and i got some ramen from the store and went to the tables to eat there, that's when we were greeted. not really we but more like only yangyang, "hi oppa~" naeun greeted him. "hm hi" he said quite coldly towards her, she tried to start a conversation but failed and yangyang got bored of it and asked me if i wanted a drink, "yea sure just get me a water" i responded as he walked away. shortly afterwards naeun grabbed a part of the hoodie near my neck and held me close, "LOOK I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOURE DOING BUT BACK OFF YANGYANG, IM CLEARLY FUCKING BETTER THAN YOU SO GET OUT OF MY WAY" she yelled as she kept me close to her. i peaked behind her seeing yangyang with such a hurt but angry face, "let go of her and get out, i don't give a fuck you're 'better' when y/n is the perfect one for me". naeun left as yangyang held me close, "i should've said this earlier but i love you, since the first day we met i always had and i always will" he confessed i gasped realising that i let him annoy me throughout these years cause i was denying i had feelings for him. "i love you too idiot. i only realised i did not so long ago when i kept wondering why i let you annoy me, mr. annoying" as i laughed, his face lit up and pulled me into a hug. "will you be mine?" he whispered, "i just confessed my love and you're here asking if i want to be yours? of course dumbass" i whispered back.

"lets go home i'm pretty tired" i yawned, "okay baby let's go" his face lit up once more as he pecked my lips. i blushed at the new nickname and held hands walking home admiring the views.

yangyang and i arrived home with our hands still intertwined, "WELL IF IT ISNT MY OT— OH MY FUCKING GOD HE DID IT" lucas yelled in excitement. "LUCAS LANGUAGE" kun yelled back lightly slapping lucas, "y/n and yangyang grew up too fast" winwin started fake crying as kun,lucas,ten,hendery and xiaojun started fake crying as we all laughed.

"love is unique isn't it? who knew the two of us would fall in love your 'mr. annoying' only irritated you"

 annoying' only irritated you"

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