the playlist: kim seungmin

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"seungminniee~ i'm cold" i pouted towards my best friend, whom i also had a huge crush on from 5th grade onwards. seungmin gave me a big smile as he handed me his hoodie, "here bubz please don't lose it it's my favorite one" he pouted back. seungmin gave me that nickname when we were in 6-7th grade? and he's been calling me that ever since, i put his hoodie in only realising i put it on backwards. as i put the hood down from my face seungmin looked at me with his natural puppy eyes and fixed my hair. "bubz you're so clumsy" he mocked me, i fixed the hoodie and grabbed his hand as we went to go get ice cream.

we stopped by the store as the owner greeted us, "heyyy well if it isn't the two lovebirds" he chuckled. the both of us blushed at the comment as we ordered our ice creams, "seungminnie?" i asked him, "yes bubz? he answered as he was eating his ice cream. "thank you for today, a-and paying t-too yes paying" i stuttered as i leaned my head on his shoulder.

(seungmin's pov)
y/n looked so pretty with my hoodie on, i-i mean she looks pretty even without it, maybe without anythin— SHIT u-uh. i've liked y/n for years and i still plan on loving her till the end, i even made a playlist for her. it has many songs and i listen to it every night before i went i bed on my ipod, she's one of the few reasons why i get up in the morning. besides day6 sunbaenim,my stupid alarm, and more.

"seungminnie?" y/n asked me, "yea bubz?" i replied back giving her a smile. "can i keep this for the night cause uhm ya know i uh-" she stuttered as i shushed her, "sure bubz i'll walk you home" i assured her. we walked as i slowly slipped my hand into hers, i could notice her turning away blushing and i found it adorable. we were close to her house until some drunk man cat called her.

(back to y/n's pov)
as seungmin and i were walking home and holding hands, some drunk man came up to me and said "woahh what that ass do?" i suddenly became very insecure. i looked up at seungmin who was very furious at him, "YOU FUCKING SON OF A BITCH" he yelled as he grabbed the man by the collar. seungmin lifted him up and looked into his eyes, no more than a few seconds pass by as he punched the man in the face leaving him to fall head first to the ground. he looked at me worriedly and asked if i was okay, "i'm alright seungminnie" i answered back but he knew i wasn't. we walked home together and as we were about to head to my door he grabbed my hands and said these exact words "don't worry bubz i'll always be here for you no matter what, get some rest beautiful you look pretty tired" he smiled at me.

i arrived in my house and greeted my parents as i went upstairs to my bedroom, i reach in my pocket to figure out that seungmin left his ipod inside the pocket of his hoodie.

(seungmin's pov)
y/n's house isn't far from mine, it's actually behind here so it just took me five minutes to get back home. i arrived home and i greeted my parents, "seungmin how are things with y/n?" my mother asked me as my father nodded. "we're alright" i gave them a smile, "a drunk man cat called her today on the way home and i got really mad, so i may or may not have punched him in the face" i looked down being unable to make eye contact with my own parents. "seungmin it's alright i know how much you love y/n, she really is one lucky girl to be loved by my son" my mother chuckled as she held my hand. "if you forget anything you can go or any time but please be safe alright?" my father assured as i went upstairs to my bedroom.

i reached in my pocket realising my ipod wasn't there, i looked everywhere in my room and bag but it was nowhere to be found. fuck it's in the pocket of my hoodie.

(back to y/n's pov)
i checked his ipod only to see a playlist with my name on it, i clicked on it and listened to all the songs. "so i guess i'm not the only one to make a playlist" i said to myself, most of the songs on his playlist with my name were on mine with his name. i found it adorable that the both of us made playlists for each other, i got a notification on my phone from seungmin.
'seungmin: meet me at the 7 eleven close to our place and bring the hoodie along with the ipod if you saw it please be there by 8:30. thank you bubz <3"

"mom can i go meet seungmin at 8:30?" i asked for permission from my parents, "you're lucky i actually like the idea of you and seungmin together otherwise i wouldn't have let you" my dad grinned as he told me to get ready.

(time skip to the 7 eleven)
"seungminnie !!" i called out, "hey bubz" he greeted me with a smile. "here's your hoodie—" he cut me off my giving me a kiss on the lips, "seungmin i—" i was about to say again as he hushed me. "knowing you well you probably saw the playlist and i just wanted to express how much i love—" i cut him off with another kiss on the lips. "i was about to say i had a playlist with your name on it too" as i put my head down in embarrassment, "y/n don't be embarrassed, i love you" i looked at him in the eyes while he cupped my face with his hands. "c'mon y/n lets go to the arcade, we'll call this our first date bubz" he looked at me excitedly "alright baby let's goo" i raised my right fist in the air showing excitement. he blushed at the new pet name as he grabbed my hand and walked with me to the arcade.

"i'm so thankful for playlists, they organise your interests, you can make one for every mood, and most importantly, it helped me get to my first and last love"

"i'm so thankful for playlists, they organise your interests, you can make one for every mood, and most importantly, it helped me get to my first and last love"

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(a/n: i got really bored and i messed around with an otp prompt generator, i hope you liked it !! :>)

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