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"This is the last box, where should I put it?" Harry asked as he walked into my new bedroom.

I pointed to the corner where the rest of the boxes stood. 

"Do you need help unpacking your stuff?"

"I can do it later. I'm sure we can find a better way to make the most of our time together," I said subtly biting my lip. 

Within two strides Harry crossed the room and pinned me against the wall with so much force the wind was knocked out of me. I would say he was mad, but his piercing green eyes gazed down at me softly. My heartbeat quickened as the softness was replaced by pure lust. I let out a gasp as Harry pinned my arms above my head. Suddenly his lips found mine and I closed my eyes savoring the taste of his lips that I have longed to try for the past year. A feeling of euphoria spread from my lips throughout the rest of my body. He pulled away with both of us breathing rapidly. 


He swooped back down to capture my lips once more. My hands flew to pull on his curly soft locks and I let out a moan as he placed hot kisses down the length of my neck. My whole body felt like it was on fire. He fumbled to undo the buttons on my shirt as we continued to devour each other in a desperate attempt to close any physical space that once separated us. 

"Lila," Harry groaned as I ran my fingers down his back and to his narrow waist. 


"Lila, love, wake up!" Suddenly Harry vanished into a black void and I peeled my eyes open only to immediately close them to shield my eyes from the blinding morning light that streamed through my new luxurious bedroom window.  I groaned and rolled over to find Harry sitting on the edge of my bed. I was mortified to say the least. I would say that's the first time I had a dream like that about Harry, but then I would be lying. I need to get these feelings under control, especially now that Addy and I are living with him. 

"Harry," I breathed out "What are you doing in here?"

"I'm here to wake you up for your big day," Harry chuckled and I groaned shoving my head back into my pillow. 

No, it's not graduation- that happened last week. I promised Harry and Addy that today would be the day I broke up with Grayson. We are supposed to meet in Washington Square Park in an hour or so. 

"Ugh, I don't know if I can do this," I groaned. 

"Yes, you can," Harry urged, "Addy and I will be waiting here with tubs of ice cream when you get back."

I smiled to myself thinking about the day Addy and I moved into Harry's gorgeous apartment. The only form of food he had in his entire kitchen was his freezer stocked with tubs of Ben&Jerrys; needless to say we have been ordering-in for the past week. 

"What do you even wear to break-up with someone," I said as I climbed out of bed and walked towards my closet feeling a little self-conscious that I wasn't wearing a bra under my oversized t-shirt. Ugh, I hate these dreams. "Maybe if I look ugly enough, he may think that I'm doing him a favor by breaking up with him," I said hopefully. 

"Lila, there is absolutely nothing you could do to make yourself look ugly, love," Harry said flashing a cheeky grin, "I have to go to some meetings today, but I'm sure I'll be back by the time you're home. Text me if you need anything," he added as he slipped out of the room.

After hearing his footsteps gradually fade away I let out a loud groan. How can I possibly get over Harry when he says the most charming things and looks at me the way he looks at me. These dreams are going to be the death of me. Maybe moving in with him wasn't the best idea for my emotional health. 

I threw on my favorite ripped jeans and redid the messy bun that I had slept with. I glanced in the mirror one last time before grabbing my sunglasses and tote bag. I said a quick hello to Addy and she wished me luck. I took the elevator down and greeted the doormen on my way out. We've only lived here for a week and I've already made friends with most of the staff and they all adore Harry, they always say that he is the best resident that they've ever had in the building. I don't find that hard to believe. Aside from Harry being a wonderful human, everyone else I have run into or taken the elevator with has been so cold and impersonal even by New York's standards. Maybe we should eat the rich... 

I began to rehearse the lines that I had come up with last night, debating whether to suggest that we stay friends or not. In the weeks leading up to our graduation, it became more apparent that Grayson was not my endgame. All he's talked about is how much money he is going to make in his new position and how he is going to use that money to start his own hedge fund. His company is having a gala in a few weeks and he refused to let me pick out my own dress claiming that my taste is too 'low budget'. Of course, he offered to pay for a gown so long as he got to choose it. I'm not interested in being anyone's trophy. Unfortunately, it has taken me this long to realize our conversations have always been surface level. If you take Netflix and sex out of the equation we virtually have nothing in common. The sex wasn't even good. 

As I approached the park I began to hear music and the sound of children laughing. Saturdays in Washington Square Park always seemed like they are straight out of a movie. Ugh what if the break-up goes really badly and ruins the park for me I thought to myself- too late now. 

I sat on a bench in a quieter corner of the park for more privacy and shared my location with Grayson. As I waited, I began to doubt myself, but as my thoughts were consumed by Harry AGAIN, I knew I was doing to the right thing.

"Boo," someone whispered in my ear and my heart skipped a beat. 

I turned to see a laughing Grayson sitting down on the bench next to me. 

"Jesus, you scared me," I breathed while clutching my chest. 

"Sorry babe," he chuckled and pulled out his phone. "So, what's up," he asked, his attention still on his phone screen. 

"Well Gray, I have been thinking," I began my carefully rehearsed lines. 

"Oof you've been thinking, that's never good," he sighed rolling his eyes while texting his friend. What an ass...

"Grayson I'm breaking up with you." I declared, abandoning my script. 

"What?" he said measuredly finally giving me his attention. 

"I've been doing some thinking," I said pointing at my head with a perfectly manicured nail, "and we are DONE."

"Did you f**k Harry?" his tone shifted to an octave I've never heard before, he was fuming. 

"Absolutely not- as I've told you a million times, we are just friends. This has nothing to do with him or anyone else and everything to do with us." I said while motioning to him and myself. 

"I don't believe you for a second. I guess I'm the idiot that let his girlfriend move-in with another man, much less Harry f**king Styles. Whatever, f**k you, I'll find someone less opinionated to be my arm candy," he sneered before quite literally stomping away like a two-year-old who did not get his way. 

I stared at his retreating figure until he was lost in the crowd. I was stunned into silence his little outburst, but as soon as he was gone I burst into a fit of giggles as I wondered how we ever got along.

 In my defense, he has changed in the few months we have been together. I stood up and laughed to myself all the way home finally feeling like a free woman once more. At least I won't feel quite as guilty when my thoughts drift to Harry. He is only going to be in the city for a few more days so hopefully in the months that he is gone, I can train my brain to think of literally anything/anyone else. I need a hobby or something I thought feeling drained as the doorman opened the door to the apartment building. 

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