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Harry's POV: 

Waking up to the feeling of warmth, I peel my eyes open and blink a few times to adjust to the brightness of the sun. I roll my head to the side and see Lila laying beside me looking as beautiful as ever. Her arm was draped over my torso as she laid on her stomach and a blanket covered our naked bodies from the waist down. 

Last night couldn't have been more perfect. After her hearing my new song in the studio yesterday, I knew I needed to express my feelings. In the past, my brain has convinced me that I was in love, but this time the feelings are real, they stem from my heart and soul. 

From the first time we met, I knew she was different. I couldn't explain it at the time, but something kept bringing me back to her, Addy, and Jon. I had convinced myself that I just wanted to befriend them, but deep down I knew my feelings for Lila surpassed friendship. In my attempt to hide my feelings I encouraged her to pursue other guys which just pissed me off. It was a cowardly move but in the end, I got her, I love her, and now she's all mine. 

I gently run my fingers up and down her spine as I admire the way the sun hits her chestnut skin. Her plump lips were slightly parted allowing soft breaths to escape. My hand traveled to her face softly outlining her brow bone then pushing back a few stray coils of her hair. She's so confident in herself, yet so unassuming of her beauty. A grin spreads across my face as I think about last night, she was amazing and as usual, full of surprises. She's the best I've ever had, no debate. As my hands travel back down to her spine I hear her moan in appreciation. 

"Good morning, love," I whisper. 

"Good morning," she mumbles into the pillow causing me to chuckle. "Harry?" 

"Yes?" I say drawing her closer to my side. 

"I love you," she grins up at me revealing her radiant smile.  

"I love you, babe," I smile dipping my head down for a swift kiss. 

"You wouldn't believe how happy I am Harry," she gushed pulling the blanket up to her chest and pushing herself into a sitting position. 

"How does that saying go? Love, marriage, baby carriage?" I teased her. 

"I do believe it's something along those lines," she said pulling me in for another kiss, this one much longer. I loved kissing Lila. Every time she kissed me it felt new. She kisses me as if no man had kissed her before, her lips soft, moist, and hot. We were interrupted by a ringing cellphone. She pulled away and patted around the cushions in search of her phone before pulling it out. 

"Hello," she said breathlessly, "oh hi!" I grabbed her free hand and brought it up to my lips. 

"Really?" she asked as I began peppering kisses up her arm. "Yes, I can, it won't be a problem!" I lips reached her collar bone and I began to lightly suck on the spot. "Thank you, I will see you then...bye," she managed to groan out before quickly ending the phone call. 

"Harry," she chuckled as I continued my assault on her neck, "babe, stop, that was my boss."

"And what did he have to say?" I asked after pulling away, her radiant smile had dropped. 

"I have to be back in New York for work on Monday," she sighed.

"Oh, so you're leaving?" Today is Saturday and it's already afternoon so she'd have to leave tomorrow at the latest. 

"Yeah, I have to leave tomorrow I guess..."

"Well, I can't go back to New York yet, I have some interviews and recording sessions lined up for next week," I sigh. The last thing I want is for us to be a part, especially now, but with the nature of my job and Lila's dedication to her job, separation is inevitable. 

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