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"Okay, let's talk," I said firmly as if I was not actively trying to avoid this conversation less than a minute ago. Harry sat on the couch leaning forward with fingers laced together and I sat on the love seat across from him. I bit my lip as I nervously waited for him to initiate the conversation; it made sense since he is the one who initiated the kiss. 

"I don't know how much you remember from last night, but I told I had a woman in my life," he began. I nodded in response while internally cringing at the memory- I braced myself for his impending rejection. Maybe he'll just admit it was a mistake and we can move on and pretend it never happened.  

Harry sighed running his fingers through his curls, " you know what, come over here," he said motioning for me to stand up and follow him. He stood across from the mirror that was hanging in the entryway and placed me in front of him. 

"Last night you said you wanted to meet the girl I like," he said resting his hands on my shoulders.

"Ok...," I mumbled in confusion. Is she coming through the front door? I feel like there are less painful ways to deliver this rejection than that, I thought to myself. 

"Well, here she is," Harry said gesturing to my reflection in the mirror. My brows furrowed in confusion. 

"Harry I d-"

"Lila, the girl in my life is you. Lila the woman I like is you," Harry declared. After bracing for the worst-case scenario I wasn't prepared to hear the best-case. 

"I thought it was pretty obvious with the kiss and all," he continued nervously rubbing the back of his neck as I continued to stare at our reflection in shock. 

"It's okay if you don't feel the same way, the last thing I want to do is ruin our friendshi-," at that moment I turned around and pressed my lips to his, and the rest of his words were lost. Harry's sweet intoxicating scent filled my nostrils numbing my senses. 

He soon dominated the kiss.  Shivers of pleasure were sent down my spine as he deepened the kiss closing any space left between us. He pushes me up against the wall as I dig my fingers into his hair. It is soft, like him. His kiss was gentle, yet demanding, unlike anything I've experienced before. This time I didn't dare break the kiss for something as meaningless as air; this moment is everything. 

His hands gripped my hips, under my shirt, his fingers brushed against my bare skin, lighting my entire body on fire. He hoisted me up on the counter and I briefly wondered how we got to the kitchen. I ran my fingers down his chest and he let out a low soft groan. Harry pulled my shirt off my body with ease as my slim fingers worked to unbutton his collared shirt. 

"So beautiful," he hummed against my lips as I discarded his shirt on the floor along with mine. 

Suddenly, we heard the sound of keys jingling, signaling that someone was coming in. 

"F**king hell," Harry cursed under his breath. 

My eyes widened in realization; Addy is home. I hopped off the counter and frantically threw him his shirt and slid on my own. He struggled to button them so I quickly pushed him out of the kitchen towards his room. Less than ten seconds later Addy walked through into the kitchen holding a tote bag and a bag from the bakery down the street. 

Addy looked at me in confusion, "Did you and Harry just get home?" she questioned. 

"Yeah, yeah not too long ago," I said struggling to keep my breathing even. She narrowed her eyes in confusion before softly shrugging. 

"Okay, well, as a 'thank you' for saving me today, I went and bought cupcakes for you and Harry," Addy smiled. 

"You didn't have to do that Ad," Harry said casually strolling into the kitchen giving Addy a side hug while flashing me a covert wink. He had changed into black sweatpants and a sweater. 

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