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"You did so well, babe" Harry whispered resting his forehead on mine. "He's so beautiful, just like his mum." 

"It's a boy," I breathed out, feeling exhausted. 

"Yes, the nurses are cleaning him up right now," he said practically bouncing with excitement. 

"I'm so tired," I murmured weakly. 

"Go to sleep- I'll wake you when they bring him back, I promise"

I nodded as I slipped into a deep sleep. 

When I finally woke up again, I opened my eyes to find Harry gently rocking our little baby boy in a chair at my bedside. I smiled weakly as I watched him smiled down at our baby as if he was his world. As if he felt my gaze, Harry's eyes snapped up to meet mine.  

"Time to meet your mummy" His eyes twinkled as he slowly stood up and brought the baby over and carefully rested him in my arms. 

As I held him in my arms my world felt complete. After carrying him for nine months, his presence was a familiar one. His small eyes curious eyes gazed into my own as he fisted my hospital gown with a tiny hand. I slowly began to rock him back and forth. 

"Hi baby, I'm your mom," I hummed bringing his small body towards my cheek. 

"Look at his little smile, he recognizes your voice, love," Harry said gazing at us adoringly. 

"He's perfect," I whisper. 

"You both are," he agreed, "what are we going to name him?"

"Charles Edward Styles, we'll call him Charlie and we can keep your middle name?" I asked looking up at Harry. I've always wanted to give my children classic names. 

"I think it's perfect," he nodded in agreement.

"You're the world's best baby, Charlie," I cooed and he yawned in response. 


"Where's the baby?" Addy demanded as she entered the penthouse closely followed by Chris. 

"Baby, please slow down," Chris chided, clearly worried about the safety of his 8-month pregnant wife. 

"You know she'll never listen," Harry chuckled greeting Chris with a hug. 

I sat on the couch lightly rocking Charlie back and forth. It has been about three months since his birth and he's looking more like Harry and me every day. Addy waddled over and situated herself on the couch before reaching out for the baby. 

"Hi Charlie, it's Aunty Addy" she cooed, "He's getting cuter with each passing day! He'll the perfect match for my little girl one day,"

"He will be doing no such thing!" Chris exclaimed, Harry and I chuckled as he slightly narrowed his eyes at Charlie. Addy is hell-bent on the idea of her future daughter dating my little Charlie. I figure since they will be around the same age, they will be good friends at the very least.  

"He is also such a well-behaved baby," Addy said, "he doesn't even fuss. Great qualities for any boy who is going to be around my daughter!"

"Alright, and on that note, I'm taking him back" Harry chuckled lifting his son out of her arms, "I'm going to put him to sleep now." I nodded as he walked Charlie towards his nursery. 

"So what are you two doing here?" I asked turning to Addy and Chris who, although I didn't mind, had arrived unannounced.  

"Well I'm almost at my nine-month mark and I know walking helped you induce labor, so I convinced Chris to let me waddle all the way from our apartment to yours." Addy smiled and my eyes widened in surprise. 

"Ad, that's like a forty-minute walk, I'm not sure if that's good for you at this stage in your pregnancy," I said as Chris threw his arms up in exasperation. 

"Thank you! That's what I told her, but she always has to be right!" Chris said, muttering the last part. 

"I don't care, I just want her out of me!" Addy groaned, "I also want her to be healthy and happy," she quickly added. 

"She's coming, you just need patience," I chuckled. 

"Okay, let's go get a taxi home Chris!" she said yanking her husband off the couch and dragging him towards the door. "I also want a Chipotle Burrito and a bag of hint-of-lime tortilla chips. Bye Lila, love you!" 

I sighed at my best friend's antics, knowing that she will never change. I slowly tiptoed into Charlie's nursery and smiled at the sight before my eyes. Harry was rocking Charlie back and forth in the rocking chair as he quietly sang Sweet Creature. After quickly snapping a picture on my phone I walked into the nursery, making my presence known. 

Harry glanced up and smiled as he continued to quietly sing. I sat cross-legged on the carpet in front of the rocking chair and watched at Charlie stared at Harry, enchanted by his singing. At the end of the song, he continued to hum which quickly lulled the baby to sleep. We smiled at each other at the tiny victory of Charlie falling asleep. Harry slowly stood up and ever so gently set him down in his crib as we tip-toed out of the room. 

Harry gently shut the door and we simultaneously let out a sigh of relief. I grabbed his hand and ran to our bedroom swiftly shutting the door behind us. 

"Love, what's wrong?" Harry asked, his tone laced with concern. Rather than responding, I ripped off my hoodie and dropped my sweat pants, exposing the black lingerie I had been sporting all evening. 

"You've had this on the whole time?" he smirked backing me up against the wall and trapping me with his arms. I bit my lip and nodded gazing up at him, enjoying his domineering attitude. His eyes scanned over my body taking in every inch and licking his lips appreciatively. I had lost most of my baby weight but retained some weight in the areas that count. 

"You have to be the world's sexiest mum," he muttered before capturing my lips in a passionate kiss. I tilted my head back allowing him more access as I fumbled to remove his top. He picked me up by my thighs and wrapped my legs around his waist as he led us to the bed.

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