I Can't Forgive Him

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Hey so this isn't exactly an update but more like an improvement from the last chapter, the one I deleted that delt with a part of Zeros backstory. I wasn't happy with it at all so I'm re writing it. It tells the same story but in another way. Hope y'all enjoy!

**Zeros POV

I walk into the old, gray apartment, one probably around since the Stone Age. The old building is damp and dark. It's the poorest of the poor.

I walk up the cracking steps and think of the old saying "step on a crack and you break your mothers back" it makes me laugh out loud a little.

Finally, after my short walk up the spiraling steps I make it to the apartment, room 402. I slip off my backpack, check the back pocket and take out my dangling keys. It's something I do on instinct due to doing it every time I get back from school.

"Hey ma! I'm home!" I yell, wiping off my feet as I enter. I hear silent sobs echoing from the kitchen.

"Ma?" I turn around the corner and I see her sobbing into her hands, she's down on her knees and huddled over.

I run to her "ma what happened?" I say silently. Almost like a whisper, the words drop dead in their tracks and spill all over the floor.

She doesn't say anything and just sobs into my hoodie. Our long black hair mixing together.

She grips me tightly as she begins to speak "your- your dad-" she gets thrown back into a pit of sobs, her voice desperately trying to escape it.

"W-what happened to dad?" I stutter. Tearing up just of the fact that mom is sobbing.

"He-" she chokes. "He- he killed himself!" My mom breaks out, only to fall back into the pit again, gripping me tighter with every sob.

"He- he what?" I stand there in shock, removing my arms from her back. My eyes sink and I start to sob with her. Both our hearts grieving over the same loss. The loss of our love.


The cold clean environment is such durastic change from the apartment. It smells like bleach and various over chemicals.

"Ma?" I look over at mom and see her eyes bloodshot and her whole face is red.

"Yes dear?" She sniffs.

I turn away, as if I'm looking out for an answer to the question I don't want to be answered " Is dad going to be alright?"

"I don't know sweetie." Her eyes start to water again and she begins to cry again. She hugs me and doesn't let go for the longest time.

Soon enough a short doctor with blonde hair comes into the waiting room and greets us.

"Hello, I am Dr. Alphys and you are Mrs. Solomon?"

"Yes I am, how's my husband doing?" She asks with urgency.

"Come with me." Dr. Alphys says sadly.

My mom motions to me and I follow her.

"Oh, please leave the child."

My mom chokes up, both of us know this is bad news, she leans down to me and says "stay here hun." and she hugs me tightly and rubs my back some before letting go. I crave for the warm embrace again.

I wait in the big room, filled to the brim with people talking, pacing, and crying. Everyone here is for the same reason. And it breaks my heart.


My mom came back from the room to tell me that my grand parents are picking me up. She never told me a reason but they came anyways.

I get into the car with my two grandparents.

"Hey sport, do you wanna go get ice cream?" My grandpa asks.

"Sure" I mumble. There fake attempts at trying to make me smile fail badly. My grandparents look at each other quizzically for a short while before turning back to the road ahead of them.

After a few minuets of driving we meet at McDonald's and I get a happy meal with ice cream. I don't eat it. I don't think I can eat. I think I would just throw it up.


All of a sudden I'm brought back to the real world. My eyes snap open and realize where I am.

"Fuck!" I scream, and bang in the wall with the bottom of my fists, jarring my whole body awake. "Not that stupid, fucking dream again!" I put my forehead up to the cold stone wall, breathing blocks of cement. My eyes start to tear up. My breath quickens and I start to cry. I wipe my eyes ferociously with the palm of my hand. It's not too late until I'm bawled up into a wad of flesh, sobbing uncontrollably, shivvering and wishing I had my moms' arms around me again. I just want some human contact. Any at all. I can't stand being in the cell for any longer. I wish he was here. He could make me smile. He can make this pain go away.


I couldn't go back to sleep. The dream haunts my thoughts, it possesses me, making me believe it's happening again. Making me relive that horrible event. Making me think about my damn dad. The person who made my mom do all those horrible things. The person who made my mom forget who I am. I can never forgive him for that.

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