Have A Fun Episode Without Sad Stuff in it

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**Dylans POV

I slide my bike into the rack and lock it. It's been a few days since Zero told me his story. The words follow me around, lingering with me in class and when I get home. The brown sack in my left hand feels light as I make my way in the entrance. Debora isn't at the front desk, luckily. I pass my dads office that reeks of alcohol.

I make my way down the hallway and into the unlocked doors. The nice police mans words float into my head as I smile to myself, mentally making a note to thank him if I ever see him again.

I decide to surprise Zero with his gift. I open the doors as quietly as I can and step in. I feel like mouse creeping in a church to find any bit of food.

A weird noise comes from Zeros' cell. It's similar to wet clapping. Curious, I tip-toe  up the steps, not forgetting my first idea. The sounds get louder as I get closer and I stop a few cells back, wondering if I should jump scare him or not.

That stupid sound. I have no clue of what he's doing, and it's killing me. I self the bag on the floor and walk up to his cell.

I almost scream.

"Oh god! Crap crap! I'm so sorry!" I panic, covering my eyes with my hands. The picture of Zero holding his- uhmmm- stuff.. Illuminates my mind.

"Fuck! God- Ah shit!" He scurries around, using a blanket to cover himself up.

"I'll just go down stairs so you can- umm- uh, finish." I stammer quickly. I run down the steps at light speed, tripping on the last one. I get up and catch my breath.

My imagination runs out the gates of whats appropriate for someone my age. My face is redder than a watermelon that's been smashed onto a summer sidewalk.

After moments of awkward twisting and turning and absorbing the picture from a minute ago. Zero pipes up "I'm- I'm done now."

"Oh, ok." I say, silently. I walk back up the steps, afraid he still has his... stick out. I pick up the bag and walk up to his cell. "Hi" I wave.

"Hey" He says.


"I-Uhh"  he inturupts.

"No, you can go first."

"Gah, no, you can go if you want."

"Ah, okay. Uhmmm-"

"Can we just pretend this never happened?" Zero blushes. Even in the dim lighting, I can see the rosiness of his cheeks.

"Yea, of course. Uhmm. I brought you a present since Christmas is in two days." I perk.

"Really?! Can I have it!" He gets out from under neath his blankets and goes up the the bars, gripping his hands like Mr. Krabs from spongebob.

"Well give me a second. Be patient you weirdo" I say. It feels like I'm talking to a dog waiting for his treats. I can see Zeros tail wagging.

"Kid, I think we all know I'm not patient." He smirks at me. His signature frekin smirk makes me want to melt.

I give him the brown sack and he pulls out the small stuffed dog. I can see his eyes sparkle.

"Oh my god! I love it! What are we going to name it?!" Zero exclaims.

"Ummm, what about Rain?"

"What kind of name is that?" He chuckles. "I was thinking more like Jack."

"Ok! That sounds super cool!"

Zero hugs the dog to his chest and he pulls out another of or the gifts.

He's quiet for a second. "You got me a ball. A red rubber ball."

My stomach drops. "Do you not like it?" I worry.

"No Dylan. I absolutely love it." He cups the ball in his hand and hold it to his chest. "Thank you."

I look away shyly. "No problem."

He puts the ball down gently and pick up the last item.

He's quiet for another second and then looks up at me confused.

"Do you know what this is?"

Oh crap. "Uhmm, no... is-is it something dirty?"

"Oh you poor, poor naive kid." He laughs "do you really not know what this is?" He looks at me like he's about to bust up with laughter.

"Uhh. No, if it's anything weird I'm sorry-"

He busts up laughing. Kicking his legs and holding his stomach. "Kid!" He bellows.

I stand there, swaying from side to side as I think of what the small green object could be.

He calms down and finally says "this is a mistletoe. Do you have any clue what people do under a mistletoe?" 

I think for a second "No." I answer.

"Kid, kiddo, when two people go under a mistletoe, they kiss." He states.

"Oh crap! I'm so sorry! I didn't know it was, I just thought it looked neat with the cool ribbon and stuff and the bells and all! I'm so sorry!" I burry my face in my hands. Repeatedly spewing out apologies. They come out like a waterfall and bounce off the walls.

"Kiddo! Chill out. It wasn't you're fault. And plus, we can kiss if you want to." He slyly says. Suddenly, making my face redder than before. The idea of kissing him is not a new idea to me. But having my inner thoughts being spouted out for all the world to see, is most definitely embarrassing.

"Uhhh, n-no thanks." I decline. Cursing my voice for getting so high.

"Anything you want kiddo, I'll do."

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