Now, how can we invite everyone to become a Superhero of Little Things?

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Annie Rapinni is asking you, the reader, to be a Superhero of Little Things, and help everyone in the world become one too. It's easy. All you have to do are little things, and then do other little things, and a little thing here and another one there, and maybe even more little things. Eventually, others will see you do these little things. They will see smiles on people's faces. They will encounter the good a small act can achieve. They will see children mimic the lovely deeds and want to repeat them. Then, someday, everyone will be doing little things and all of these little things will be seen for what they truly are.... Loving, kindhearted undertakings that can change the world....

Now it is your turn, take the magic (that exists in all of us) and the recipe (found in the story) and go outside and do something spectacular... Be a Superhero of Little Things.... Change that, be the best Superhero of Little Things you can be!

Annie Rapinni : Superhero of Little ThingsWhere stories live. Discover now