F is for Frotteurism

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F is for Frotteurism
Fritteurism is when a person rubs against a non-consenting person

Rubbing against a non-consenting person; sexual arousal from the recurrent urge or behavior of touching or rubbing against a nonconsenting person

In this chapter I will be using non-consent. 

Andy rushed to the counter and purchased the ticket. It was last minute but she had just been told by her forgetful boss that she had to be at the capital by tonight. Flights were all booked and a car would take too long so the train was her last resort. She purchased the ticket with the company card and sighed as she finally relaxed. She had hurried home and packet a quick bag as she rushed to the train station. She waited as the train arrived and she was able to get on. It was packed and while she was thankful that they had a ticket for her it was almost uncomfortable how many people they put in one carriage. There waste much room between her and others and she gave her seat up to the elderly man who had needed it much more than she did. She stood next to a man in a business suit in a similar style to her own pants and blazer. He appeared professional and didn't look intimidating compared to the man with the hoodie and tattoos peaking out from the vague places that showed skin. The train jerked and she gasped as her body shoved against the man in the suit. Her butt nudged his thigh and she turned to him and apologized. He waved her off and looked away. She held on more to the bar and waited as the ride jerked some more. 

Only a few minutes later was she jerked back against him again. This time the man placed a hand on her back to nudge her forward and away from him and she thought nothing of it until it stayed there. She turned around ready to tell him to mov e his hand when she noticed the briefcase tucked under his armpit awkwardly. He probably couldn't move his hand without the case falling so she ignored his hand for the time being. The carriage jerked again causing his hand to fall to a different part of her body.. her butt. He didn't move it and the carriage stopped as a few people got off and even more got in. She was shoved closer to him and his hand was on her ass. She couldn't move away since she had no space and her forehead started to sweat. She felt anxious and nervous and all she wanted to do was get off of the train and away. She knew he didn't do it on purpose but she was just uncomfortable. When the train jerked again she froze. She had crashed forward that time and it doing so her body had bent slightly and his hand had slid from her ass to near her pussy. She gasped and jerked away from him but the person in front of her shoved her backward so that his hand rubbed harder against her cloth covered pussy. She wanted to turn around and tell him to move but she was embarrassed and figured he would be as well. 

What she wasnt expecting though, was for his hand to move when they cart wast even jerking. Her head jerked around as she felt his fingers move across her ass now that she stood straight and lower until they got to her pussy. She gasped quietly and looked around to see if anybody noticed but nobody did. Her anxiety spiked and she shoved her hands back to push away the mans but he was relentless. Her heart raced as she looked behind her at the man, but he was looking at her ass. She saw his briefcase on the ground now and she gulped. He bit his lip and she tried to shove away and push past people but one lady cursed at her and the man shoved her back hard, so hard that she flew into his body. Her whole back was planted to his long torso and the shaft she felt through his trousers. She went to scream or cry out for help but he turned her around fast and kissed her. She tried to push away but he was stronger. 

She looked to her left and saw an older lady watching with a smile. "Young love" she said to the elderly man next to her who looked at them with disapproval. She looked back to her right and the guy in the hoodie was closer to them now. He was also looking straight at her. The train came to a halt at the next stop and she shoved to try to get out but the man in the hoodie blocked her way. He backed her up into the corner where the businessman was and she noticed the passengers move out and others come in. It was now full again and she looked towards the new people for help but everybody was caught up with themselves and paid her no mind. 

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