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"Just forget it, Jake, you've made your choice. Please just don't apologise because I don't want to hear it. Just go and travel the world, I'm not gonna stand in your way." Willow said. She felt empty as her world was being taken away from her, she didn't know what to say or do. She knew full well that she wasn't his top priority anymore, she was always the second best to him. He always preferred the band to her, causing her to feel forgotten, and alone. She broke this time when she found out that he picked the band over her again. 

"You know I didn't have a choice, so many people would be disappointed if I don't do this. I might even be kicked out of the band. I know I'll be gone for a while but then I'll be back and we can spend as long as you want together." He put his hand on her shoulder trying to make her see how much he cared for her, he wanted to show her that she meant the world to him, but he didn't know how to. She almost instantly moved her shoulder away to remove his hand, but she paused wanting it to be there. She wanted him to stay forever.  

Knowing this would never work and he won't ever move on either knowing she was still in love with him, she removed his arm and says, "I don't love you Jake, I never have and I never will, so just please move on, and forget about us." Willow's always been a good actor, so it wasn't really hard for her to lie to him, and make it believable. Knowing exactly how much eye contact to make knowing what words to say to make him believe her.

Jake just stood there motionless not knowing what to say or do he couldn't believe he was so blinded by love, that he didn't realise she didn't love him back. 

"Just go on tour find someone new out of the many of people you have obsessing over you, and forget all about me." Willow said holding back her tears not letting Jake see one bit emotion.

"You know what I'll do just that." He can't believe this whole time was over just like that, and it was all a lie. "Bye, Willow," he says while turning and walking away he can't even look at her. He just walks to his car and gets in before driving - not knowing where to - to this house he guesses but he's not really headed in that direction he's just going as far away as possible.

He left Willow standing there, she let her walls down and started crying not able to stop. She doesn't know what she did. She loved him so much - more than she's ever loved anyone - and she just told him to go find someone new.

Jake started making his way to Jacob's house, he knew it would be the place he most wanted to be at that moment to clear his head from everything that was going on, as he wasn't thinking straight. He was meant to be going on tour tomorrow but there was nothing he wanted to do less, all he wanted was Willow back. He knew she made it clear that she hated him - she never loved him despite how much he loved her. 

All the thoughts running through Jake's head causes him not to be concentrated. He phones Jacob (not seeming to care that he was driving) when Jacob picks up he says "Hey Jacob, is it alrig-" he pulled out onto the road without looking and everything stopped. Jake lost consciousness and everything went black. You can hear Jacob quietly on the phone calling his name to see if he was alright, as he heard a car door slam as someone came rushing over to him, they immediately calling 999 as they saw what state he was in - unresponsive. After that he couldn't hear or see anything. 

Willow gets a call from Tom saying to come to the hospital immediately because Jake was there and not in a good state. She starts panicking wondering what happened to him - whether he was going to be okay or not. Whether it was because of what she said, "this is all my fault," she thought to herself as she rushed out of the house getting her mum to drive her to the hospital. 

When Willow, gets to the hospital she sees Noah by the entrance and runs up to him giving him a hug, as she asks if Jake's okay. Willow's in tears, as Noah says that it's not looking good for him. She told him she never loved him, despite how he was the only person she's ever loved and she might never be able to tell him again, all because of her. She knows she shouldn't have let him drive away maybe none of this would've happened. She sees Noah looks just as upset as she does and they walk through to his room. They were all crying - Jacob, Tom, Noah and Willow. None of them ever thought this would happen, but they all knew he wasn't gonna make it. The doctor said there was no way he was gonna make it out alive and he only had a couple more hours to live. 

Death's is a weird thing. You all know that one day it will happen to everyone including yourself; you are almost definitely gonna lose one person close to you in your lifetime, and yet you can never be ready for it. You can never fully prepare yourself for someone to leave your life, never being able to see them again, it hurts more than you can ever imagine.

"It's all my fault," Willow says. "I told him I never loved him, and then he got in his car and drove away. If I didn't say anything he wouldn't have left at the time, and he would've been concentrating. I'll never be able to tell him the truth, I love him with my whole heart and he's gone." 

"It's not your fault," Jacob replies. You can tell Jacob's been affected more than the rest. He was the closest with him in the band and you can really see how he's troubled by it. 

"I just don't think I'll ever be able to live with myself to know this wouldn't have happened if I never said anything..."

Chapter 13 One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now