.4 then i'd be the man

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"Really my goal is to blur the lines between femininity and masculinity." I tried to sound as confident as I could, given that I only had a couple of hours to prepare. But it had gone well, better than I thought it would, at the very least.

They didn't seem impressed. They were never impressed, though. 

"Do you have any sketches?"

I picked my head back up and looked towards Harry. He had a curious smile on his face. 

"Yes, I.. I do have some framing ideas and whatnot," I responded, partially in shock. 

Whatnot? Whatnot?? God, do you want him to think you're eighty?

"We don't have time for that right now," Mina cut in. 

I checked my watch. 13:03. She was right, we went over our allotted meeting time. That was it. My shot. 

"But," Mina started, getting up from her swivel chair, "Mr. Styles, if you are interested in reviewing Ms. Townes' ideas further, feel free to do so during her lunch hour." She smiled at me and winked subtly as she grabbed her things off the conference table and began to leave the room. 

I gave her a look that I can only hope she understood to mean "God bless you Mina, but you overestimate me."

"That sounds lovely. When's your lunch hour, Nancy?" Harry asked, smile growing wide.

I paused for a moment. 

"Only if you're up for it, of course," he added patiently.

"Oh my God yeah, sorry. I'm totally cool with that.. That'd be great." I fished through my tote-bag  semi frantically and pulled out my card. "I get off for lunch in an hour," I told him, placing my card in his hand.  

He read it with an intensity I deemed a bit odd. I let out a small laugh.

"Oh, yeah, sorry 'bout that love. The phone number is a bit small on this." He laughed back.

I smiled and bit the inside of my mouth, thinking thoroughly through what I was about to say. "Would you.. like me to put it in your phone?" I braced myself for an uncomfortable response. 

"That would be wonderful!" He reached in his pocket and took out his phone. "Here 'ya go."

I held his phone in my hand. We were the only two left in the conference room, even his manager was waiting outside the door. He had the app open already. 

New contact.

Nancy Townes 

Just type your phone number. Into a celebrity's phone. No big deal. 

I handed the phone back to him as quickly as I could. He looked down at my contact. "Hmm."

"What? 'S something wrong?" I asked nervously. 

He let out an amused breath. "No, I just didn't think 'Townes' would be spelled that way. It's nice. Nancy Townes. Pretty name." He looked up at me and smiled. 

"Thank you." God, I hope I'm not blushing. "I, em, should be off now. I'll meet you on the first floor in an hour?"

"I'll be there."


Chiot - H.S. (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now