Chapter 13

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"I'm sorry to tear you away from whatever you were doing, but we need to talk." Hope confessed.

"About what, Hope?" Liam inquired. "You know I've moved on with Ivy."

"About this baby I'm carrying."

"You want to talk to me about Wyatt's baby?" Liam asked, confused.

"That's just it, Liam." Hope explained. "I'm not carrying Wyatt's baby."

"If this is not Wyatt's baby, then------" as Liam stopped, mid-sentence.

"Yes, Liam, this baby is yours." Hope admitted.

"You're sure the baby is mine!" Liam asked confused.

"It can't possibly be Wyatt's because I'm farther along than I thought." Hope explained.

Liam couldn't deal with Hope's news just yet.

"I have to be alone for awhile, Hope." Liam told her.

"Okay, Liam, just know that I love you and I intend to divorce Wyatt." Hope said. "I can't be married to one man knowing I'm carrying anothers."

Hope gives Liam a kiss on the cheek before leaving Liam's beachhouse. Liam is confused now that he has moved on with Ivy. He wonders if he should end things with Ivy and go back to Hope, or let Hope go? Too many things have happened now and he just isn't the same person he was. Liam is just not that sure he still loves Hope at this point.

Liam is interrupted with his thoughts by his doorbell. When he goes to answer it, it is Ivy.

"Hello, Ivy." Liam says, shocked.

"Well, may I come in?" Ivy asks him.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Yes, come in."

"I made a tacos and knew you loved them, so I brought some over." Ivy said.

"Gee, Ivy, that was nice of you, but I'm just not that hungry at the moment."

"What's wrong, Liam?" Ivy asked, concerned.

"I just received some news and I'm not sure how to deal with it." Liam confessed.

"What's that?"

"Hope just told me that I am the father of her baby, not Wyatt."

"You're the father?" Ivy asked, confused. "Is she sure?"

"She says she is sure that I am the father, and she intends to leave Wyatt and that she still loves me."

"So, Liam, just what does that mean for us?"

"I don't know at this point." Liam confessed.

"Well, when you find the answer, Liam, feel free to let me know." Ivy says, obviously upset, and on her way out of Liam's beachhouse.

"I'm sorry for all this, Ivy. I really do care for you." Liam tells her.

"I don't want to keep you from your issues."

Ivy leaves Liam's in tears, fearing she may lose Liam to Hope. As she gets into her car, and drives off, Ivy can't see the road through her tears and doesn't see the car coming toward her.  

Hope Springs Eternal:  A Liam and Hope RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now