Chapter 4

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Hope called the Forrester in-house attorney about how to get out of her marriage. The attorney's paralegal made an appointment for the next day to counsel Hope on her marriage.

Hope received a text on her cell. It was from Wyatt.

"Hey there Hope! R U up 4 lunch n a few?"

Hope was in no mood for lunch with Wyatt. She couldn't stand to look at him anymore.

"Sorry, Wyatt! Really swamped rite now! No time 4 lunch!"

"Oh, sorry dear! Can I swing by with something quick?"

"Yeah, sure. . .but make it quick!" Hope text back.

"Ok! Will go out 4 ur fave! Love U."

"Yeah. Love U 2!" Hope lied back in a text.

Hope was trying to focus on the HFTF designs, but she lost concentration when she saw Ivy out in the lobby with Liam. Liam gave Ivy a kiss good-bye as he dropped her off at Forrester after their lunch date.

Hope's jealously was over the top. She text Liam on his cell.

"Need to talk. ASAP!"

Liam just ignored the vibration in his pocket. But Ivy stopped the kiss.

"Whoa, Liam, slow down!" Ivy said, backing off from him.

"I'm sorry. Am I moving too fast?" Liam asked.

"Yes. You've just got your heart broken by Hope." Ivy said. "Shouldn't we take it slow? Besides, I need to get back to work."

"Okay." Liam relented. "How about you come over to the beach house for dinner?"

"Alright." Ivy agreed.

They kissed good-bye. Then Ivy went back to work. Liam took his cell out of his pocket. He saw the text from Hope. He didn't want to hear from her.

"Sorry, Hope. I'm busy! Have 2 get back 2 Spencer."

Hope was crushed. She needed to talk with Liam. She decided to meet him at the beach house after work.

Wyatt arrived with Hope's lunch. Hope's favorite--a Chef's salad from Jake's Diner. Wyatt was really sweet to bring her lunch. But she was not in any mood for making out, especially at work.

"Wyatt, please!" Hope said, pulling away from him.

"Okay, I'll see you at home." Wyatt told her.

"Sorry, I have something to do after I finish here. I'll be late getting home tonight."

"Okay. I'll have dinner ready for you when you get home."

Wyatt gives her a kiss and leaves to do his own work.

Hope felt bad lying to him, but she had to see Liam after she finished up at Forrester. They really needed to talk.

Hope Springs Eternal:  A Liam and Hope RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now