Chapter 8

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As Wyatt was well on his way to rescue Hope from his mother, Hope was desperately trying to make her escape. She couldn't believe that Quinn demanded her to get pregnant. There was no way she would do that. She was determined to get out of this marriage and back with Liam where she belonged.

She saw her chance when Quinn accidentally left the window unlocked. She crawled out of the window and snuck out before Quinn got back to check up on her.

Hope was on the side of the house when she saw Wyatt pull up in his car. She waited for Wyatt to go inside to make her escape. When Wyatt was well inside the house, she ran to Wyatt's car and sure enough, he had left the keys in the ignition. She started the engine and drove off before Wyatt or Quinn knew she was gone.

Quinn notice Wyatt's car leave the driveway, and both ran outside to see that Hope had driven off. Both Quinn and Wyatt jumped into the van that Quinn had drove Hope in and chased her.

Hope was determined not to let Quinn and Wyatt catch her and sped up. But Quinn sped up to continue following Hope, who was just as determined to catch Hope and bring her back to make her sign the agreement.

Quinn had been on Hope's tail until they came to the city limits of Los Angeles, when Quinn was pulled over by a police car. The time spent with the officer made Quinn furious as she lost sight of Wyatt's car and Hope got away.

No longer being tailed by Quinn and Wyatt, Hope drove to Liam's beach house. She wanted to have a heart-to-heart with him.

Hope knocked on Liam's door, then let herself in, only to discover Liam in a compromising position with Ivy.

"Liam, I need. . ." Hope began when she came into Liam's living room.

"Geez, Hope, don't you bother to knock!" Liam yelled, grabbing his pants, as he was in the middle of making out with Ivy.

"Liam, I'm sorry! We need to talk."

"Can't you see I'm busy!"

"Please, Liam!" Hope pleaded.

Ivy pulled on her blouse and skirt, obviously embarrassed by Hope's entrance.

"I thought I told you, Hope, that I've moved on." Liam said. "You married Wyatt and I moved on with Ivy."

"Please, Liam!" Hope began. "I just got away from Quinn. She had me locked up in some cabin in Big Bear. She tried to demand I stay married to Wyatt."

"Well, you should have listened to her, Hope!" Liam told her.

"But she wanted me to get pregnant, too." Hope went on. "I told her I would never do that. Liam, I only want you. To be a wife and mother with your child."

"Well, you should have thought of that before you so hastily married my brother!" Liam told her. "I haven't forgiven you, Hope, and I don't think I can ever forgive you for marrying my brother!"

"Please, Liam, just give me another chance." Hope begged.

"Just go, Hope!" Liam ordered her out of his home. "I can no longer stand the sight of you anymore!"

Hope grabbed her purse and left, but not before one last word, "I'll win you back, Liam! I'm not giving up on us!"

Liam shoved her out of his house, "Good riddance, Hope! I never want to see you again! Stay away from me and go back to your husband!"

As he slammed the door he spat out to Ivy, "Now, where were we before we were so rudely interrupted?"

"I'm sorry, Liam, but I need to leave." Ivy told him. "I can't be with you until you solve things between you and Hope!"

Then Ivy walked out of Liam's beach house, leaving Liam bewildered.

Hope Springs Eternal:  A Liam and Hope RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now