Ch. 18- The mind of a child

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really bad grammar just saying but it's on purpose.

I look at the ground ashamed and tears well up in my eyes, "tears are weak, don't let one fall." I whisper and clench my fists shaking my head and trying to breathe. I struggle to breathe and I put my hands on my neck coughing. "what's gonna happen?" I whisper over and over and over again as I fall to my knees from lack of oxygen. I try to open my eyes but everything is starting to get blurry so I shut my eyes. I suddenly can't breathe and panic and I scratch myself. I smile as I feel the blood drip into my mouth, I use my tongue and eat my blood and I then start to scratch my wrist, and I start to calm down. Someone grabs my hands and I throw my head back and start to thrash around. someone's got me! someone has me get out, get out, get out, get out! I then start hitting my head on the floor and I then hit my head harder again and again. My head starts getting fuzzy as I try to breathe again and I then start to kick my legs out again in desperation. Someone takes my head and holds it down on a soft surface and another pair of hands grab my legs. They're going to rape me... I try to scream for help but my throat is dry and I can't see straight. I then instantly stop as I feel something press against my face as something repositions me to sit down. I then start to hear a steady beat. I listen to it and I yank my hands away from whatever is holding me back and I wrap my arms around this thing... no person. I listen to the steady heart beat and I then make out some words, "shhh, just hold him tight and listen to his heartbeat," a voice calls out to me as I feel someone play with my hair and rub circles on my back. I let out a purrr, it feels so good and I then wrap my legs around this person like a kola. I giggle, "ima... kola..." I mutter and snuggle into this person's chest. "now breath with me," the voice calls out to me again and I follow his words exactly, " 1.... breath... good now breath out... good keep doing that. breath in..... 1...2...3... now out... good. Can you open your eyes?" I open my eyes but everything is still blurry I shake my head and close them again. "Open them again and then look at me and focus on the colors." The voice tries again and I open them. Although everything is blurry I now only try to focus on the colors. "yellow... no...blond" I whisper and I hear the familar voice again, "Can you try to to feel it with your hand what you see and close your eyes?" I nod and I close my eyes as I bring over my hands. It's really soft and I bring my other hand over I feel down and I feel a face. I feel lower, a chest. I then go back up to the big ball of fluff. "fluffy!" I giggle and then I open my eyes to see a beautil face staring at me. I stare into his eyes as I run my hands down his chin. "hmmm soft... but hard." I mummble and I then look beside me. "ooooh!" I squeal as I now turn to look at the person i'm sitting on. "ooh this fluffy is too cool! I just wanna-" I then hug the person making them fall over. I crawl back and I look up. I see many people staring and whispering. My eyes wel up with tears again, "Evewtin scawy! I wan mu mu!" I scream and cry. I then start to ball my eyes out, " I wann mommy!" I then see two strange things in front of my and I sniffle and crawl over twere. I keep crawlin and I touch the creature and it runs away. " Don't leave me!!!!" I scream and I slowyl stand up. I then run to the shadows and they circle around me. "twilly twings!" I gigle and sit down as they go into my lap. "everytwing so bright but i cwan twee dont worries!" I say as I poke the beings. It giggles and I pook it again. I laugh and I bite my bottom lip. I then look around. "Whata goin on?" I ask them ask them loudly, putting my hand over my mouth so they can't hear. Suddenly they disappear and I see darkness. "nuuu!" I scream and I crawl around. I crawl really fast in front of me and I run into somthing. "Sowy blocky, but where am i nows? I went to a strange bright pwace till now a reawy dark place buts I don't see anytwing but me!" I say extending my hands. I then see the black thing again and I poke it. soon I'm back into the room, but everything is still black. "It dwark! But... where is fluffy!" I scream and I stand up slowly. I then wobble towards a boy with messy hair and freckles. I'm almost there but I wobble and fall. I scream and cry as I hit my knee on the ground and somthing stick comes out of it. "ewwww!" I scream, " sticky feela werrrd!" I am then picked up and craddled by the man with freckles. I sniffle and he brings his face closer and kisses my tears away. I giggle and I reach my hands up to his hair. I frown, "I wanna blond hair!" I scream and he legs me go but I wrap my legs around him. "But you too soft and comfy!" I whine and I start to cry, "her is reddy  boy?" I ask him with tears falling down again. "hey princess," I hear that voice again and I turn to see the guy with blond hair. He lays his head down on my lap and I giggle as I play with his hair. I turn around and frown, " I wanna cold guy! He coolzies!" I whine and I then feel the blond hair move over. "huh?" I mummble but then I smile as I see the red and white hair plop down on my lap. "Yaay!" I scream and put my hands in the air! I put my left hand and play wit the blond hair as I use my right to feel the two colored hair and then his face with the cool red patch. " I wanna eye patch too!" I whine in frustration as I feel my own eye. I then feel somthing go over my head. It was the tie and somone wrapped it around my head so the tie is in front of my eye. " Arrrg ima pirate who saves the day wike da strange man!" I yell and I hold up a finger on my left hand and then two on my right hand. "rawr give me your child!" I scream with my left finger who 'holds' the other two. " I'm a hero! You can't take her!" I yell in a higher pitched voice. "mummy ima swared!" I yell out with the other finger on my right hand. " Thenn suddenly whoosh! The bad guy has me in his arms like he just teleported me! and then appeared a big gun!" I yell out and I use two fingers on my left and the finger on the right falls down. " I.... surrender!" I yell out in the high pitched voice. "whoosp!" I yell out. " And now the big yellowed eye man come outa and da be wike, ' you will never hurta da child you wittle criminal!' and his wooong soft hair flies up and whooosh! Some weird string garbbed the gun! 'nuuuu my gun, I can't spawn another whaaaaa!' I scream in a low voice. then frown. I look to my side and see the freckle hair boy's hand. I grab it and he gasps. I bend all of his fingers but the pointer finger. I then make it lay down. I grab his other hand and I do the same but curl the finger to make the child. I then use my finger on my right hand to hold the child and I use my left hand for the guy. I lean towards the boy, " follow da hewo." I whisper and then I get back to it. I use my right finger to go in the air and the child follows as it still carries the child. it then hits the other finger. "nuuu i dont wan go to jaiii!" I scream in a low voice and I use my right finger to stand on my left finger. " should have thought of that before chu twied to hurts dwis wittle grill!" I scream and then  my finger jumps on my left. I then use my left hand to put the finger down, he starts to walk away. I then grab the freckle faced finger and it taps the other finger, " my hero! wann nows hewo name!" I yell out with a high pitched voice. " Ewaser hats" I saw in a lower voice than the bad guy. he then jumps and disappears. I then grab the freckled face finger which was laying down up. She walks to the bad guy and then picks him up. " Annnnd my hewo waved chu day!" I scream and throw my hands in the air. I giggle and then I frown seeing the puffs of hair sitting up. " I neva said go upsies!" I shout and then I grab their puffs and yank them back down on my lap. I lean foward and I hug the puffs. " My puffs!" I scream and then I lean up and I play wit their hair. I lean backward and into a person's chest. I yawn as I close my eyes and I bring my arms out. I play with the puffs and I yawn again fluttering my ewyes. I feel somone play with my hair and I let out a purr.  I close my eyes but snap them open again. " I don't wuns chu to weav me wike day did!" I yell and I rub my eyes with a yawn trying to stay awake. They left me, they said they wouldn't leave. " we won't leave you princess." the voice calls out and I nod my head and yawn again. I believe them because somehow I knew it was true as I gave in and let the soothing black thing come over me.

sorry, it's kinda short and late but I promise the next one will make up for it!

words: 1822

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