Girl meets I love you

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I wanted to talk to Riley, Farkle, and all my other friends, but I had to go talk to Josh first. I quickly walked down the hallway before I found him sitting on a bench.

"Isn't it a little cold to be sitting on a bench in the middle of new york?" I ask.

"I guess, but some things are colder." Josh whispers under his breath.

"Josh, we need to talk." I say, knowing this will be one of the hardest conversations of my life.

"I know, Maya. I know it's too late." Josh mutters.

"It's not too late, Josh. I still like you, a lot. But I need time, I have Riley and my whole other family that I haven't seen in years. Along with a career, a boyfriend hasn't been on the top of my list in a really long time." I say, trying to hold back tears.

"So that's it. When are we going to do this Maya? We've both waited, for so long. How much longer?" Josh asks, starting to get frustrated.

"I'll call you." I say, holding his hand.

"And If you don't...?"he whispers.

"Not even Riley could stop that." I said, giving him a small kiss on the cheek, before leaving back to the Matthews.

As I walked in to the Matthews house, I saw people starting to open gifts. Farkle suddenly handed Riley a present. She opened up the gift to see a bracelet inside.

"Farkle? It's beautiful. I can't accept it, it had to be expensive." Riley says, already lost in the sparkle of the gems.

"Of course you can. You needed something as beautiful as you are." Farkle said, smiling.

The rest of the presents went by fast. I got a bracelet, a couple blank canvases, and a new outfit from Riley. There was only one present left. It was mine, in a box no one else seemed to recognize, but I decided to open it anyway, as I opened it, I saw yet another locket. I opened it to see a picture of Young me with someone who seemed to resemble Kermit, and then I realized it was him, the day before he left. I then started to cry, bashing the locket against the Matthews door before leaving. I rushed to the cafe, not knowing anywhere else to go. He was there, maybe my heart knew he was there, which is why it led me there, but I couldn't handle it , I still could not forgive him, so my legs ran the speed of my heart. This time to somewhere I knew he wouldn't be. I ran to Christopher Park. As I sat on the bench, I noticed the statue of the four friends was gone. Quickly pulling out my phone I had thinking of someone to call. Suddenly both my brain and heart knew the only person I could talk to, was left at the Matthews house.

Shawn arrives in minutes, with Josh not far behind.

"What is he doing here?" I ask Shawn, not wanting to see Josh at a moment like this.

"He's the reason, isn't he Maya?" Shawn asks.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I mutter.

"I can try as hard as possible, but your real dad is always going to be hard for you Maya. But you can't have a problem like him get in the way of being happy. I know right now you will say the reason is Riley, and once Riley is okay, the reason is your career and the list will go on. I know that list, I invented that list. But just because they push you, doesn't mean they're gone. Please you two needed a bigger talk then what you had a half hour ago." Shawn tells me, giving me a hug before walking away.

Josh suddenly sits down on the bench next to me. He slowly grabs my hand, in a source of comfort.

"How can I trust you?" I started to say to Josh.

"Because I am right here, Maya. I'm not going anywhere." He says

"What are we going to do?" I ask

"Let's just try, I have some movies back at my apartment. You could come by, I promise just Me, you and the TV, nothing else." He says, letting me stand up from the bench.

"Okay, that sounds nice." I say, following him back to his place.

Meanwhile, at the Matthews....

Riley and Farkle were the only ones left at the end of the party, everyone else had either left or was passed out somewhere in the apartment. Finally, they had picked everything up, and ended up laying down in exhaustion in Riley's room.

"So... What's going on with you, Farkle?", Riley asked, knowing they hadn't spoken much today.

"Smackle and I broke up a couple years ago, she wanted to go to Antarctica, so I let her go, I think we both grew from the experience. We share 50/50 custody of my second business and see each other every once in a while, we're still friends, but I later noticed that I wasn't in love with her anymore, well... at least towards the end. What about Rileytown?" Farkle said.

"I franchised Demolition with Aubrey. She is usually in Manhattan, but we still talk. She became a really great person. I had a couple relationships after Lucas left, but nothing really happened. Then when he showed up today..." Riley started.

"You noticed the engagement ring too?" Farkle finished her sentence.

"Yeah, and as I looked at it, the truth reality hit. We didn't need to be Corey and Topanga, and I was fine with that. I will always love Lucas, but I don't love him in that way anymore." Riley said.

"Riley?" Farkle asked.

"Yeah?" Riley said.

And suddenly, as both of them got up, their eyes met perfectly, and Farkle kissed Riley. It wasn't on the hand, he finally had noticed his true feelings, he was in love with Riley. It had been her since day one. Suddenly the kiss got longer, Riley finally broke it.

"Farkle?" She asked.

"Riley! I'm sorry, it won't happen again. I'm so stupid." He started saying to himself.

"No, Farkle. I liked it, I liked it a lot. But we need to wait, I want slow." She said, trying to keep her head on straight.

"I'm okay with slow. Anyway, I should probably go now." Farkle said, grabbing his coat.

"Farkle, wait! Don't leave. Maya was supposed to stay here, and then she left. Just lay here with me, please." Riley asked.

"Are you sure?" Farkle said.

"I'm sure." She said.

As Farkle and Riley lay in her old bedroom ,they could hear the sounds of each other's heartbeats. As Riley started to close her eyes, Farkle quietly whispered in her ear.

"I love you, Riley Matthews. More than anything else in the entire world."

girl meets 10 years laterWhere stories live. Discover now