Chapter 13

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Y/n's POV

Michelle came back from the Royals' away games last night. She texted me when she got back but, everything else has been pretty dry. Not going to lie, I low key miss her obnoxiousness. It was charming sometimes just because I knew she cared so much.

I thought about calling her but I rather wait until I get off of work.

"Kinsley, First Sergeant wants you in his office."
"Right now?" I turn around.

I walk over to Zoey informing her I'd be stepping off the range for a bit. We were going over weapon mechanics again. I'll be taking a company of marines into the field next week which means I won't be home for a whole week.

I knocked on the door before entering.
"Kinsley, nice to see you."
"You too, first sergeant."
He signals me to sit across from his desk.

"So, I noticed you haven't started filling out your discharge papers."
"No I haven't, sergeant."
"So, I'll take that as you're re-enlisting? It'll be great to have you back."
"That's not for certain either sergeant. You know I've come back to my daughter since my deployment and, I don't know if I want to risk being deployed again but then again, this is my way of providing for her."

"You could always become a recruiter, do the reserves."
"Sergeant, you know me. That isn't me. I like action."
"But you want to be here for your daughter?"
"I just need time to think about it. I have until May."
"I was just checking in, you can go now."

I nod heading out of his office. I bump into Zoey as I was walking out.
"What happened?"
"He was asking me why I haven't filled out my discharge papers."
"Wait, are you re-enlisting?"
"I don't know."
"You might want to figure that out fast."
"I know. I'll see you tomorrow, I gotta get home."

.  .  .

I called Michelle on my way home. Surprisingly, she beat me to my apartment.
"Hey, I didn't expect you to be here yet."
"Well I am."
I sent her a faulty smile unlocking my door.
"You can wait in here, I'm gonna take a shower real quick."
I say as we walked in my bedroom.

Walking out of my bathroom, with a sports bra and shorts on, Michelle laid in my bed scrolling through her phone. I sat next to her staring at her.
"Michelle, what's going on?" You've been acting weird for about a week now."

"No I haven't been."
"Yes you have. You would literally be trying to have sex right now. Did I do something?"
She locks her phone staring at me as she sits up.
"I don't know did you do something? You tell me."
"Well you tell me. I don't think I did anything."

"Yeah, figured you'd lie about it."

I throw my hands up.
"Lie about what? I'm not lying to you about anything."
"Why does Christen have your hoodie?"
"Why does she have your fucking hoodie Y/n?! I'm speaking perfect English."

"She was cold the night we were at the carnival so I let her wear it."
"Doesn't she have her own?"
"If she had one with her that night I wouldn't have needed to give her mine. You were ignoring me over a hoodie? Dude grow up."

"It's not just the hoodie Y/n! It's like you're spending more time with her than me! I get it, she's your first love, your child's mother, you haven't seen her in years but, there are other people in your life now. You have a girlfriend now, why keep going back to your ex when you don't need to."

"I haven't been hanging out with her other than if it's with Braelynn. I don't do that. Like I said, grow up. Stop being so insecure. I'm with you aren't I? That should be more than enough."

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