Chapter 8

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I walked into the locker room after practice. All the women were spread around in their own areas having conversations. Some were in the showers, some packing their stuff up getting ready to leave.

"So how is it? Like is she great in bed?"
My attention shouldn't be in that conversation but it is. Michelle was sitting with Mandy, Rachel, and Brittany in front of her.

"Well I can answer that question." Brittany smirked. "I don't want to hear you talk about your one night stand with my girlfriend, please spare me from that. We haven't gone there yet but, I think she's ready."
Michelle giggles in excitement.

They're like high school kids I swear.
"So she's a marine?" Rachel asks. 
"Yeah, she was in infantry so on the front line. I always look over her body and it just saddens me all the pain and suffering she had to endure. My poor baby."

Kelley walked over to me. "Chris stop eavesdropping. It's obvious."
"I'm not eavesdropping."
Kelley looks at me.
"Okay fine I am but, can you blame me?"
"Scoot over Pressy."
"Look who's eavesdropping now."
Kelley shrugs and sits beside me as we turn our back to the group to continue listening.

"Not going to lie, she kind of looks like a hoe. One of those girls that sleep around, I mean come on, she has a kid. Left the kid, left her girlfriend, wouldn't want her to hurt you next Chelle. Plus she's probably a cheater anyway don't get too invested too fast, I know girls like her." Mandy adds in.

My blood started to boil. Y/n has done terrible things in the past but, she's still a great person. I'm not going to justify her actions but, at the time things were tough. We were young, stupid, yeah she knew right from wrong but, we all make mistakes. They don't know her like I do.

"I bet you she has another baby mama somewhere and left them to come back to the first one. Chris is smart but, she could've done better. The girl left her she had to show signs of that and Chris should've known she was no good. Her appearance shouts "I'm a dead beat and I don't care about my own kid or people's feelings." "

I couldn't believe the words that came out of their mouths. The fact that Michelle wasn't even sticking up for her girlfriend.

"Chris, no." Kelley whispers putting her hand over mine.
"I'm not going to sit here listening to them talk about my daughters mother like that."
"Your daughters mother or the woman you're still in love with? Chris, if you go over there do you know how that'll make you look?! Her girlfriend is over there she-"
"She's not sticking up for her Kelley. They don't know her I'm not going to let them trash her character while I'm around. Her own girlfriend is laughing along."
"No. You know how fast rumors spread around the league. You want someone to inform Tobin about this? Changing the story to something it isn't? Leave it."

As Kelley turned her attention to her phone I turned around walking over to the group.
"Chris no!" Kelley whisper yelled.

"Look, if you want to talk shit on Y/n go ahead but don't do it while I'm around. You don't know anything about her, you don't know what she's been through, you don't know our story, you're just going based off of how she presents herself? Seriously grow up and Michelle. She's your girlfriend and you're laughing about their jokes and you're not sticking up for her. How does that make you look? I'm not going to sit around and let you ladies talk crap on my daughters mother. I am smart, I knew what I was doing. I wouldn't change a thing of our past. You don't know everything about our past relationship but what you've heard. So do not talk about my relationship with my child's mother and do not talk down on her without knowing her."

I grab my stuff heading out of the locker room. I hate when people talk about someone behind their backs. Just say that to their face then.

.  .  .

"Kelley told me about your outburst in the locker room." Tyler sounded amused.
"Shut up." I rolled my eyes as we sat on my couch with our coffee.

Tyler came over again. She spends a lot of time here when Tobin is back in Portland. Braelynn was fast asleep in her room and we were winding down for the night.

"No I'm not shooting you down for it, I'm actually impressed. Christen a few years ago would've jumped in on attacking Y/n."
"I just don't like people that like to talk about others behind their backs, let alone the persons own girlfriend."

"Christen, you never did tell me that you aren't in love with Y/n."
"What does that have to do with anything?"
"Well, it just sounds like you're standing up for her because you like her, again."

"I stood up for her because she wasn't there to stand up for herself."
"I'm your sister Chris. You can tell me. I'm not going to tell Tobin. You know where my loyalty lies."

"I can't. It's not right. It shouldn't be this way. I shouldn't love her anymore and Tobin she's great, she's amazing, but here I am, like a dumbass, loving the person who broke my heart."
I began to sob as I finally let go of the feeling that's been weighing me down.

"Chris, come here."
I scooted over to my sister as she rubbed my back.
"You do know it's very obvious right? I just wanted to hear you say it. What do you want?"
"I don't know."
"Do you love Tobin?"
"Of course I do."

"Do you love Y/n?"
"And she loves you too."
"But so does Tobin."
"Yeah you're in a sticky one."

I sighed looking straight ahead at my wall.
What am I supposed to do? I can't tell Y/n, she has a girlfriend and I'm afraid that if we go down that road again, it'll end the same way or worse.
Tobin, I can't hurt her. I don't want to. She deserves better.

A/n: FILLER CHAPTER. What do you think of Michelle? Should Chris leave Tobin and pursue Y/n? Will Y/n hurt Chris again? 👀

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