Lost Girl // a.u // a Thomas Sangster fanfiction

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•• one ••


A whisper fell into the silence of the dark room that held two young girls. One sleeping and one very much awake; thoughts so loud in her mind that they had to be shared.

"Yes, Mari? Are you okay? I can feel you shaking." the sleeping girl awoke at the sound of the tiny whisper, unnoticed by the rest of the household.

On the outside, this household was no different than many other households in the city of Cincinnati. A mother and a father, scraping their pennies together to pay for the needs of the family through the hard times in which practically everyone in America faced, and three children, two girls and a boy, all favoring their parents in one way or another.

"I have something to tell you."

Another nervous whisper shot into the dark of the night.

Delilah, the older of the two sisters, drew back the comforter that lie upon them and with a swift motion of her hand, she turned on the lamp that was set on the nightstand beside her; lighting up the room and momentarily hurting their eyes.

"You have to believe that what I'm about to tell you is something that needs to be done, do you understand? And if you say a word of it to Mother and Daddy, I'll run away and won't ever come back." Marion's stern tone surprised

Delilah began to sweat nervously as her eyes widened, waiting anxiously for what her sister was about to tell her, and why it was so important that it be kept secret.

"Remember last year when Daddy taught me to play his saxophone? I found this ad in the paper saying that they needed one more saxophone player to perform with their jazz band and they'd be paid good money by taking a train to Chicago and doing gigs in the city." she slid her hand in her pillow case and pulled out a single clipping of paper and handed it to Delilah.

Delilah's eyes moved back and forth over the words of the paper.

"Elijah is going to war soon, we know it's going to happen and what then? Mother and Daddy can hardly put food on the table and without Elijah working at the drug store, we won't be getting any money from that. I could play with this band and send money back to you. One less mouth to feed, anyhow." Marion explained her plan to her sister, all while her heart beat rapidly beneath her night gown.

"Marion, this says for men only. Plus, I couldn't let you go by yourself. It's too dangerous." she argued with concern written all over her face.

"But what if you were to cut my hair, like you do for Elijah and Daddy, and I wear some of Elijah's clothes and just.. pretended to be a boy. Just for a little while. They won't know." she told her, taking Delilah's hand into her own.

"They'll know once you have to change in front of them! And what about your chest? Won't they notice something there that's not supposed to be there?" her hushed whisper grew into an even louder cry.

"That swimsuit you bought last summer that you complained about for making you 'flat as a board'. I'm smaller than you so with a shirt and a suit jacket over top of that, they won't be able to tell. Please, Del. I already responded to the ad and they leave the train station in a couple of hours."

"You what?! Why didn't you tell me this earlier?" Delilah questioned.

Marion hushed her sister and gave her a quick hug before opening the drawer of her dresser and taking out the sharp metal scissors. She handed them to Delilah and faced away from her so that her long brown hair was exposed.

With a sigh of defeat, Delilah ran her fingers through her sister's long beautiful hair one last time and then placed the first lock between the scissors. The sound of the blades cutting her hair, sent shivers down Marion's spine and a few unwanted tears escaped her tired brown eyes.

For a few minutes of silence, Delilah cut Marion's hair shorter and shorter until it was the length of any boy's.

"You're too pretty to be a boy, Mari." Delilah cried, hugging her sister tightly, squeezing her eyes shut.

They pulled a large suitcase from under the bed and Delilah crept across the hall to their brother's room, picking out a few suits and a pair of shoes that he had outgrown and quietly took them back to the room which Marion sat. She found Delilah's swimming suit and other things she knew she needed and put them in the large case.

After finishing the packing and changing into one of Elijah's suits and shoes, Marion looked in the mirror and almost cried at the sight of herself. Her hair was gone and would not return and she had gone over the plan hundreds of times in her mind.

She was ready.

"Tell the family in the morning when I'm gone but don't tell them where I am. I love you, Delilah. Thank you." she dropped the suitcase and held her older sister in her arms one last time before sneaking out of their small apartment and setting off in the direction of the train station.


"Hello, sir. Where is the one o'clock train to Chicago?" Marion asked the man at the ticket booth. His small glasses rested on the end of his nose and he chuckled.

"I'm afraid you're a bit late. That's the train to Chicago, son." he pointed to a train starting to chug away from the station.

She ran as fast as she could toward the train. "Wait! Stop the train!" she yelled. The train's speed increased and she could no longer keep up with it. She clung tightly to her suitcase and her father's saxophone case as her dreams slipped away from her.

"Run, kid! You can make it!" a voice almost completely drowned out by the sounds of the clicking tracks, came from the back of the train. Marion looked up to see a young man with his arm extended toward her.

She ran faster than she ever thought she could and thrust her luggage onto the back of the train car, then grabbed the wrist of the boy that had called to her. With a grunt, he pulled her up onto the platform. "Are you our saxophone player?" he yelled over the noise, his English accent apparent in his voice. She simply nodded, completely out of the breath as relief washed over her tired body.

The boy slapped her shoulder and chuckled. "Glad you could make it! I'm Thomas. Thomas Sangster."

•Author's Note•

So I started this Thomas Sangster story because I've had this idea forever and he completely suited the part, so I made it a fanfiction!

I'm really happy with the plot and hopefully you'll enjoy it!

Love love love

Lost Girl // a.u // Thomas Brodie-SangsterWhere stories live. Discover now