Lonely Heart

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It all started a day of practice, when Hinata was sparkling, more than usual, raising many eyebrows, and theories about why the sun was more shining than ever, many, if not all, believed it was due to something related to the Adlers' setter, they weren't wrong about it, at the end of the training, when everyone was in the lockers, being a miracle that Sakusa hadn't left the place yet, Shouyo called everyone's attention standing in one of the benches.

"Guys! I have an announcement!" he shouted, grabbing his backpack and took something out of it, placing it between his fingers, a ring, everyone looked at him in surprise, letting out an abrupt gasp. "I'm getting married!"

The entire room was filled with joy, shouts, whistles, congratulating Hinata, a total mess lost in the celebration, but something was missing near the protagonist of the event, or so Sakusa felt, he slowly examined the room before approaching. Soon, he spotted him. Atsumu was frozen on the bench next to the redhead while everyone was celebrating and cheering.

"Tsum Tsum! Didn't you hear what Hinata just said !?" Bokuto asked, shaking him by the shoulders, so excited that he seemed about to explode. "Tsum Tsum?"

"Sorry, Bokkun, apparently today I pushed myself too hard, I'm a little dizzy." He gave a soft laugh, a bit uncomfortable and kind of awkward. Atsumu ran a hand through his messy hair making it worse, a few drops of sweat fall down to his face, running down to his tanned skin, and Sakusa's eyes betrayed him, not hesitating to follow the path those drops were making through his teammate's skin until they got lost under his shirt.

"Do you need me to take you to the infirmary?"

"No, it's okay, I'll shower and head back home to rest." he drew a smile, but Sakusa knew him more than he wanted to admit, something was bothering him, and that smile, despite everyone's obliviousness, was a bittersweet smile, full of a feeling that may be shattering his heart into a billion pieces that would never get back into one.

"Does it bother you if I go with you, Miya?" Kiyoomi dared to say, both Bokuto and Atsumu, looked at him and blinked in disbelief at his question. "Just for safety, if you are so exhausted you can pass out or have an accident, that could affect the team." He was quick to explain his intentions, he did not want them to misunderstand, although... Would it be a misunderstanding? All those nights in which he couldn't sleep because Atsumu lingered in his thoughts until late at night gave him the answer- no.

"Ohoho, worried about me, Omi?" Atsumu playfully asked, Sakusa just rolled his eyes and snorted, trying to keep his act together.

"Just hurry, I'll wait outside," Kiyoomi said, coming out of the lockers, not before congratulating Hinata.

The day was cold, despite not being winter, the temperature was low, and the sky was cloudy. It was a melancholic day, a day of broken hearts and void expectations broken in half, he knew it very well, Atsumu Miya was in love with Hinata Shouyo, and he, Sakusa Kiyoomi, had fallen in love with the blond knowing this He was at peace with this involuntary choice he didn't take a while back, but has come to terms with, thinking it would soothe the ache of his heart, how wrong he was.

He did not know when it was that everything had started, he only knew one day he began to admire how the arms of the shortest flexed when he sets or how his abs were soaked with sweat when he pulled up his shirt to wipe his face, taking all his breath away with an ambitious and smug smirk on his plumb lips. And Kiyoomi did not know when he also started smiling slightly behind that mask when he heard Atsumu laugh, or how hard it was for him not to laugh at his terrible jokes.

But he had to be honest with himself, Atsumu would never look at him the way he sees Hinata; he is all serious, dark, apathetic, with horrible social skills and the complete opposite of the warm sunshine Shouyo is, even so... Late at night, or early in the morning, when he couldn't sleep, his heart would race after dreaming that the setter was looking at him with the tenderness and love that abounded in his eyes as he admired the red headed when he spikes, spoke or exists in general.

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