Lie To Me

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Sakusa's life had never been a stage for drama until the entrance of Miya Atsumu, a whirlwind that spun his world 180 degrees. Just when he thought he'd found some semblance of peace before Hinata's wedding, fate spun its wheel once more, leaving him in a worse state than before.

In the locker room, Atsumu's casual request for a plus-one to Shochan's wedding set the scene for a new twist. The news of a boyfriend tumbled out of the blonde's lips, and Sakusa's attention was hooked. Skepticism clouded his mind; how could Atsumu move on so quickly? His instincts screamed that something was amiss, especially considering the almost-kiss shared in his apartment, the moment their lips nearly touched.

"Sure!" answered the sunbeam, and then looked at him suspiciously. "Atsumu, who are you going with?"

"Surely he has already met a pretty girl and wants to take her to meet the Brazilian heat" Bokuto burst in with a double sense joke.

"The truth is, I have a boyfriend" the blonde confessed, capturing Sakusa's attention, making him instinctively turn to them.

"You? A boyfriend?" Sakusa couldn't help but blurt out, capturing the attention of their teammates. Atsumu's response seemed forced, a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Yes, I met him at a party a few days ago..." Atsumu said, widening a smile from side to side. However, Kiyoomi knew he was forcing it; it was impossible that the blonde had left everything behind so fast. Part of his mind also clung to the moment they shared in his apartment, when their lips almost touched, making everything he had ever wanted happen.

"One of your flings? You must be joking, Miya," he snorted, rolling his eyes.

"I know what you're thinking, Omi, but it's different. He really likes and loves me," Atsumu insisted. Before Sakusa or any of his other teammates, who looked at the blonde with dismay, could say anything, his phone started ringing. From the expression on the face of the eldest one, he knew that it was the jerk.

Something was wrong. Sakusa could feel it, and his hunches never failed.

Sakusa also sensed the lie but chose to ignore it, pushing down the surge of jealousy that threatened to engulf him.

And, damn, if he was right.

For the next couple of days the blonde was absent in everyone's life, more than what usually happens when starting a relationship, even his brother had called him to find out what was happening with Atsumu. Days turned into months, and Atsumu's absence from everyone's life grew more conspicuous. The signs were there, red flags fluttering in the wind. And with Osamu's intervention it was, unsurprisingly, revealed the toxicity of Atsumu's relationship. Sakusa attempted to reason with him, but the blonde was immune to logic, desperately clinging to the belief that a new love would erase the pain of unrequited feelings for Hinata.

One day, a bruised and battered Atsumu arrived, deflecting Sakusa's concerns with hollow assurances. The facade crumbled when Sakusa touched his face, revealing the unmistakable signs of a struggle. The declaration of love from Atsumu only deepened the despair in Sakusa's heart. He couldn't stand watching Atsumu lose himself to this toxic love, witnessing the changes that stripped away the essence of the person he knew.

"Omi, I promise you, everything is fine," said the eldest, avoiding the gaze of the tallest, who followed him closely.

"Miya, show me your face," Kiyoomi demanded, taking him by the arms to stop him.

"Sakusa, let go of me," the blond murmured, making Kiyoomi frown.

"Calling me by my last name makes it worse, you know that" he carefully turned to Atsumu, who was looking down, hiding her face. "Miya"

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